Home / Orienteering News / 3000 votes – 16 hours left to vote

3000 votes – 16 hours left to vote

One 18 year old Danish junior world champion, one French multiple World Champion, one Norwegian star who got her first World Championships gold medal this year, one Finish multi-talent who got gold medals in both ski- and foot-orienteering this year, three Swiss runners from the best national team in 2009 and three runners from the Swedish team who dominated the spring season. These are the ten nominated in “The Orienteering Achievement of 2009″.

3000 votes have been delivered since Monday November 30th – now you have only 16 hours left to vote until the poll closes Friday December 4th in the evening at midnight CET.

Who did the greatest achievements of 2009? Read their stories – and vote here:

10 great prizes from our sponsors are drawn among all voting. A person can only vote once in each of the categories (if several people share one internet connection, only one can vote, as the IP address is used to identify the voter along with the email-address of the voter).

Spread the news

At least 30 sites and blogs have spread the news about the Orienteering Achievement of 2009 so far. If you have written about “The Orienteering Achievement of 2009″ and are not on the list below, drop us a line, and we’ll put you up on the list.

This list of sites spreading the news about the poll will be updated as I get notified about them (updates will be done here). List as of Thursday evening:

Help making the poll as representative for the international orienteering community as possible! Spread the news about the poll, by publishing an article about the election on your website, and encourage people participating. Please use this link:

Of all websites with on average more than 50 visitors/day who link to the poll after it has been opened for voting, five websites will be drawn who will get a free “Sponsored Link” at either World of O or Ultimate Orienteering. Websites with on average more than 200 visitors/day will count triple when linking to the poll. Send an email to Jan@Kocbach.net with the sites address if you want to be part of this draw for free sponsored links. Sponsored links may be to any orienteering related page or product – must not necessarily be the website drawn. All sites linking to the poll will be listed at the poll page.

These images may be used when writing about the poll:

The poll organized by two of the major sources for international orienteering news on the Internet – World of O and Ultimate Orienteering.

Main Sponsor: Trimtex

Trimtex Sport, based in Norway, is one of the main producers of orienteering sportswear. Since its foundation in 1976 with base in the orienteering market, Trimtex Sport has been producing sportswear with focus on unique colours and designs, for clubs and corporations. Today, Trimtex Sport is the proud maker of outstanding sportswear, which is carefully designed from top to bottom to fit the customer’s needs and specifications.

Trimtex Sport is, like last year, the main sponsor or The Orienteering Achievement 2009 election and they are generous to give the following prizes:


Event sponsor: Nordvestgaloppen

Nordvestgaloppen is a popular event in Western Norway. The event is known for its mix of interesting orienteering with wonderful nature between fjords and mountains. Nordvestgaloppen 2010 is organized from July 14th until July 18th – this year it can provide a good stop ahead of WOC 2010 in Trondheim for many of the competitors.

Event sponsor: Highlands Open

Highlands Open is a popular event in Northern Italy. The terrain is know to be very varied – from detailed with rocky features to really fast with open forest, some karstic areas, and some full of trenches of the 1° World War. Highlands Open 2010 is organized from August 22nd until August 29th.

Event sponsor: OOcup

OOCup is a popular Slovenian event which is famous for its interesting karst orienteering and great nature. OOCup 2010 is organized from July 24th until July 28th.

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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