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WorldofO.com at Facebook

woofanWhy not become a fan of WorldofO.com at Facebook? You find the WorldofO.com Facebook page here.

WorldofO.com has had a presence on Twitter for a long time – and the last months also on Buzz. Now the time is ready for a Facebook page as well. In addition to getting interesting updates from the orienteering world, you may use the Facebook page to give feedback on articles, get updates on when there will be GPS Tracking or live video-feeds from orienteering events, discuss with other fans, etc.

As of the time of writing we have got 165 fans, but 4-500 should be possible by Monday…?

Update: Facebook decided to get rid of the “fan” concept – now all you have to say is that you like Worldofo.com (but except for that there is no big difference). 400 went easily, though – thanks for the support!

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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