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WoO Christmas O-Quiz: Day 11 2012

Can you guess which country this map is from? The WorldofO Christmas O-Quiz gives you one map sample each day from December 1st until December 24th. You get one point for each day you guess the correct country for the map sample – can you make it all the way to 24?

Fill out your name, e-mail address and your guess for the country below! For a given day, only answers given between 05:00 CET and 23:59 CET on that day will be counted in the overall score. That means that even if you fill out the form on a later day, your answer will not be counted… You are only allowed to answer ONCE each day!

Correct answer yesterday: Japan!

One down – 11 to go! Our Finnish friend Tim guessed France instead of Japan, and thus there are now only 11 who have all days correct. Still 14 days to go – I am curious if we will have one man/woman left standing at Christmas Eve…?

Over to yesterday’s quiz – where Japan was the correct answer:

  • Still angry I missed yesterday’s one, but this one was easy! [Guess: Japan. Thanks arekrist – correct today:)]
  • Each day a new challenge – this day I could remember again that I have seen this map – I never run in Japan summer orienteering but I was at world championships 2009 in ski o working as a speaker – nice people, challenging terrain – hope to find possibility also for summer o. [Guess: Japan. Thanks Wolfgang – that’s correct]
  • Sekotsuji,know this map from good old catching features times :-) [Guess: Japan. Thanks Alexander – you are still up there on top!]
  • Just guessing: Could it be France? [Guess: France. Nope Terje, that’s wrong..]
  • Think I converted this map (Sekotsuji) into Catching Features years ago. [Guess: Japan. Thanks Jochen – good job done. I wonder were all those all CF maps are – would be nice to have them attached to omaps.worldofo.com :)]
  • Mount Fuji [Guess: Japan. Thanks Lindström – that’s correct!]
  • I like this map :). [Guess: Japan. Thanks Ivan – still all correct!]
  • Too detailed to be Bulgaria which was my first guess and then I went for Thierry’s early map archive and got it! [Guess: Japan. Thanks Janis – correct!]
  • Yesterday I was wrong, but today is The day! :) Japan? [Guess: Japan. Thanks Kika]
  • Looks a bit like the old maps of Clermont-Ferrand. But it’s far away from there. “World-Cup LD in Japan” April 2000 (13,3km – 455m – 22c) 1. Mogensen Allan (DEN) – 1h16’16” 2. Bjorseth Karl-Henrik (NOR) – 1h18’07” 3. Salmi Janne (FIN) – 1h18’23” — 8. Gueorgiou Thierry (FRA) – 1h20’30” [Guess: Japan. Thanks Tatam – correct again. You are improving…]
  • I like it better when you give hints:) My other guess was Japan but in any case something volcanic. [Guess: France. Sorry Kristaps, your other tip was better..]
  • “Preparations” for the last 9 days made this one my fastest answer :) [Guess: Japan. Thanks Aron Less]
  • Saturday I did my first mistake…this time I will check before anwering :) [Guess: Japan. Thanks Alessio – correct!]
  • I would like to go there before I die ;) Sekotsuji [Guess: Japan. Thanks OBT – so would I!]
  • I stumbled across this map some days ago while searching for another map from this quiz ;) so I’m pretty sure its Mt. Fuji in Japan. Definitely a place to visit! [Guess: Japan. Thanks Alan – correct!]
  • At the foot of Sekotsuji Mountain? [Guess: Japan. Thanks Yves – correct!]
  • So long thinking, where this can be from. I couldn’t place this anywhere exactly but then I got an idea to check mt. sekotsuji map ;) [Guess: Japan. Thanks jokuja – correct!]
  • ok, if not yesterday, than today [Guess: Japan. Thanks Ulis – that’s more like it!]
  • Isn’t it Mt. Fuji area in Japan? Would never guess if not for the 101 map project. [Guess: Japan. Thanks Tolya, that’s it!]
  • It is surprising how similar it looks to Bosco Ragabo, a map on the slopes of Mount Etna. Magma is really the same in all the world and makes so wonderful contours for our o-pleasures… [Guess: Japan. Thanks Brunic!]
  • In Oslo, they have so expensive food and drink. Burger Kings milkshake costs over 4 euros. Also once i was in fjord-O there was cow in forest. [Guess: Norway. Correct about the prices Oskari, but your country-guess was wrong…]
  • Now im sure!! Sekotsuji, Japan!!! [Guess: Japan. Thanks Topi!]
  • Not sure here. I was going to pick China, but there was no option for it in the list of countries :D [Guess: France. Thanks lorrieq – but you shouldn’t have travelled that far..]
  • Now I hit to the wall. It isn’t France, but I don’t have better answer. Or right. [Guess: France. No Tim, sorry!]
  • Nice one! Would like to try it :) [Guess: Japan. Thanks Vladyslav, you are back on the winning track (but need a mistake from somebody else :)]

Not all of you hit the jackpot on Day 10 – here is the overview over tips:

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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