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WOC Long 2017 Women: The Analysis

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Why did the medals go to Tove Alexandersson, Maja Alm and Natalia Gemperle, what were the decisive moments in the race, and what were the best choices on all the interesting routechoice legs the Women’s WOC 2017 Long distance course had to offer? This article attempts to answer these questions based on detailed analysis of GPS-data and official split times.

See also the analysis of the Men’s WOC 2017 Long distance – which gives additional insight in the choices to be done in this type of terrain. Especially it can be good to read the introduction in the Men’s article first, at it gives some more background which is not all repeated here.

As for the men’s article, this article is divided into two parts;

  • Part 1: Route choice analysis leg by leg: What is the best choice on each leg in the course
  • Part 2: Race analysis: What were the decisive moments in the race

Due to the big spread on different routes and lots of micro routechoices, it is tricky to make an analysis with clear answers, but it is still attempted below. For the women actually route choices, avoiding mistakes and pure running speed is more important than in the men’s class with respect to the medal decisions  – in the men’s class micro routechoices were more important; both due to course characteristics and due to runners skills.

You find the complete map and GPS tracking her:

Part 1: Route choice analysis leg by leg


The women’s course has three long routechoice legs (to control 1, 5 and 16). Focus in this first part is on these three long legs,  but the shorter routechoice legs are also interesting and will be given some attention.

Leg 1


The first leg in the women’s course looks easier than the first long leg in the men’s course on first sight because you have clearer options to use paths/road. Especially the route to the right following paths around 90% of the time is a “gift package” if you see it and decide at once that this is your choice. However, just as for the men’s class the women spread out onto many different main routechoices, and many changed their mind during the leg and “jumped” from one main routechoice alternative to another. Also, there were several “micro routechoices” along each main routechoice alternative – we discuss the details further down. But first a look at the routes of most runners (the slowest have been removed for clarity):

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Clearly running to the right and exploiting the path network there is the fastest main option, although there are several alternatives within that route as well. We can identify the following 4 main alternatives; right, straight and two left options; here the fastest athlete on each alternative is shown. The reason for right being the fastest here is that it is only 200 meter longer than the direct alternative, but has a lot more path running. It is quite risky to dare to run straight to the first control in this type of terrain when there is an option around on path which is not much longer, especially in the women’s class. Some did try it, and Helena Jansson does a very good job at it and looses only a minute to Alexandersson.

Running all the way to the left is 200 meters longer, and you have a longer stretch you have to run through the rough terrain (the first part of the leg). You could start to the right along the green alternative and then cross over to the red alternative like Natalia Gemperle does, but then you have to run another 200 meter longer. You can cut the left alternative towards the end (drawn in orange below, Emma Johansson’s route), but that will only gain you some seconds – it is still longer than going to the right, and you then need to go even more through the tough terrain.

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Below you see the routes of the Top 10 in the competition + Helena Jansson and the Top 6 on this leg (this type of illustration is used throughout this analysis). Here you clearly see that the top runners divide quite evenly between left, straight and right – many loosing significant time. At lot of time could be gained by making the right choice out from the start.

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Probably nobody has run the fastest routechoice on this leg. It looks like going around on the last part of Alexandersson’s route was even better, when comparing with Anastasia Denisova’s route (click to see larger):

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Leg 5


The leg to control 5 again has a “risk free” alternative to the left where you can run on path/road 70-80% of the leg, and the control is also quite easy to take. The course setter has been quite kind to the women who are fast runners but more unsecure orienteers by offering this choice, and many of the athletes take the offer. As you can see from the below illustration, you can run quite well to the right, but execution is difficult, and even if you run it well, you will loose nearly a minute. With the left route being only around 100 meters longer, it is surprising that still quite a few run to the right. It might be that going to the right looks shorter than it actually is, but due to all the small curves you must take, it gets quite long.


Looking at all of the field, a quite large portion of the field choose to go left:

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Note that there are two different alternatives to the left. You can either go left out of the control and through the green down to the road, or go straight through the open and semi-open area to the road. Clearly the rightmost option is fastest here, and actually surprisingly much. Gemperle looses 50 seconds by going left.

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Leg 8

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Leg 8 is quite interesting because now the women get into really tricky terrain with quite bad runnability on a longer leg, and can not longer avoid it by using paths and roads. That is, you can partly avoid it by going right the first part of the leg, down along the lake, but you still have to fight your way on when the path stops. Here you can see what the terrain looks like the from the control out to the path in the light green:

The key to this leg is to avoid the green area with marshes at the middle of the leg; either go right to the lake/open area or left on the ridge in “white” forest. The four fastest times are actually run to the left; this looks to be a typical example of the guidelines for this type of terrain which Aigars posted as a comment on the men’s analysis article.


Leg 10


On leg 10 we have started to get into a different type of terrain with more contours and relatively good runnability. The ridges are good to run on, and you should either take the ridge to the left or the ridge to the right. Again execution is very important here, it is easy to loose a minute if you do not manage to get the flow.


Leg 16

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The last long routechoice leg of the day is the leg to control 16. When seeing this leg before the start it looked very obvious that you had to run relatively straight, maybe optimally slightly to the left of the line where you could cross the marsh in the valley at its narrowest, and get fast and good running at the other side of the valley. However, it looked like the women wanted to try out many other things as well, which is of course nice for the analysis:

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Looking at the Top 10 + Top 6 on the leg, most have decided to go slightly left, but surprisingly many go a lot further to the left.  This is probably because they want to run more on path after fighting for several control – but the terrain straight looks more runnable thatn the terrain they just came out of…


Leg 17


Leg 17 is a leg which looks quite much like a sprint leg, a small “trap” laid by the course setter towards the end of the course. A few of the top runners actually go in this trap and loose significant time; more about that in part 2 of this analysis.

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Leg 18



Another “sprint type” leg with some opportunity to gain or loose time on your competitors. One can discuss if this is necessary – the qualities needed in the forest are maybe more important in order to decide who is the world’s best long distance orienteer than this area towards the end of the course.


Part 2: Race analysis – decisive moments in the race

 Here we take a brief look at the decisive moments in the race, that is were the winners won and the others lost. Let us start to repeat the overall results, to see how far each runner was from a top result.

1. Tove Alexandersson SWE 79:10 (+0:00)
2. Maja Alm DEN 80:42 (+1:32)
3. Natalia Gemperle RUS 84:46 (+5:36)
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg NOR 87:06 (+7:56)
5. Elena Roos SUI 87:13 (+8:03)
6. Emma Johansson SWE 87:27 (+8:17)
7. Merja Rantanen FIN 87:46 (+8:36)
8. Sabine Hauswirth SUI 87:58 (+8:48)
9. Andrine Benjaminsen NOR 88:58 (+9:48)
9. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul NOR 88:58 (+9:48)
11. Anastasia Rudnaya RUS 89:13 (+10:03)
12. Helena Jansson SWE 90:13 (+11:03)
13. Sari Anttonen FIN 90:23 (+11:13)
14. Anastasia Denisova BLR 90:25 (+11:15)
15. Julia Gross SUI 91:01 (+11:51)

And a splitsbrowser showing the race development graphically:


As you can see, Alexandersson won a clear victory. Easily distinguishable is the fact that most of the significant time losses are on the longer legs, especially the first and 16th leg. Also,  the mistake by Helena Jansson at the 8th control which takes her from 3rd place and out of the game is clearly seen (green line going steeply downwards after 25 minutes running) and Anastasia Rundnaya’s wrong route choice at the long leg to control 16 which takes her from a clear 3rd place to a place outside the medals (brown line going steeply downwards around 50 minutes running time).

 Women Start – 1

To the left you see the leg times for the Top 10 overall in addition to the fastest on this leg. To the right you see the total times.

Women: S-1 (Legtimes)

1. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 11:51 +0:00 +17%
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 11:51 +0:00 +3%
3. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 12:09 +0:18 +11%
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 12:42 +0:51 +7%
5. Saila Kinni (19th) 12:43 +0:52 +13%
6. Helena Jansson (12th) 12:51 +1:00 0%
7. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 13:00 +1:09 +5%
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 13:04 +1:13 +4%
9. Maja Alm (2nd) 13:10 +1:19 -4%
10. Elena Roos (5th) 13:32 +1:41 0%
14. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 13:52 +2:01 -2%
18. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 14:13 +2:22 -5%
19. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 14:19 +2:28 0%
21. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 14:28 +2:37 -2%
Women: S-1 (Total times)

1. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 11:51 +0:00
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 11:51 +0:00
3. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 12:09 +0:18
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 12:42 +0:51
5. Saila Kinni (19th) 12:43 +0:52
6. Helena Jansson (12th) 12:51 +1:00
7. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 13:00 +1:09
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 13:04 +1:13
9. Maja Alm (2nd) 13:10 +1:19
10. Elena Roos (5th) 13:32 +1:41
14. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 13:52 +2:01
18. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 14:13 +2:22
19. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 14:19 +2:28
21. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 14:28 +2:37

This first leg is already very important for the medal decisions. Maja Alm looses 1:19 here by taking an interesting double-S shaped route which is 400 meters longer than Alexandersson’s route. Compare this to the 1:32 Alm is behind the gold medal in the finish.

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Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg, Natalia Gemperle, Andrine Benjaminsen and Ida Marie Næss Bjørgul all lost more than 2 minutes to the first control (actually all the three Norwegian women) – for both Benjaminsen and Næss Bjørgul 2 minutes faster time would have meant a 4th place – whereas Hausken Nordberg could potentially have been on bronze place.   For Natalia Gemperle, bronze medalist, the 2:22 lost on the first control was a big time loss, but with 4 minutes up to the silver medal there were several other mistakes she should have avoided also, to beat Alm on this day.

All of these four Top 10 finishers who loose more than two minutes here do it because they run to the left or straight. Both Hausken Nordberg and Gemperle run in an S, i.e. start out along Alexandersson’s route, and then turn left on the big path.

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  Women: 1-2

A short leg to the 2nd control, and again time by two of the Norwegians, both Benjaminsen and Bjørgul loose nearly half a minute on this 1:30 leg.

Women: 1-2 (Legtimes)
1. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:23 +0:00 +10%
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:28 +0:05 +1%
3. Helena Jansson (12th) 1:32 +0:09 +2%
4. Elena Roos (5th) 1:32 +0:09 +5%
5. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 1:33 +0:10 +6%
6. Merja Rantanen (7th) 1:33 +0:10 +6%
7. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 1:33 +0:10 +7%
8. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:34 +0:11 +4%
9. Emily Kemp (23rd) 1:36 +0:13 +3%
10. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:37 +0:14 0%
23. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:48 +0:25 -7%
25. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:51 +0:28 -5%
26. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:51 +0:28 -6%

Women: 1-2 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 13:19 +0:00
2. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 13:35 +0:16
3. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 13:42 +0:23
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 14:15 +0:56
5. Helena Jansson (12th) 14:23 +1:04
6. Saila Kinni (19th) 14:27 +1:08
7. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 14:33 +1:14
8. Maja Alm (2nd) 14:33 +1:14
9. Emma Johansson (6th) 14:52 +1:33
10. Elena Roos (5th) 15:04 +1:45
12. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 15:26 +2:07
16. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 15:50 +2:31
19. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 16:10 +2:51
22. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 16:19 +3:00

Women 4-5

Women: 4-5 (Legtimes)

1. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 11:51 +0:00 +11%
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 11:52 +0:01 +1%
3. Maja Alm (2nd) 11:58 +0:07 +3%
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 12:37 +0:46 +5%
5. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 12:37 +0:46 +3%
6. Helena Jansson (12th) 12:44 +0:53 0%
7. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 12:47 +0:56 +8%
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 12:49 +0:58 +4%
9. Julia Gross (15th) 12:50 +0:59 +6%
10. Elena Roos (5th) 12:57 +1:06 +1%
11. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 13:08 +1:17 +6%
13. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 13:23 +1:32 0%
21. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 14:30 +2:39 -4%
Women: 4-5 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 26:52 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 28:19 +1:27
3. Merja Rantanen (7th) 28:44 +1:52
4. Helena Jansson (12th) 28:49 +1:57
5. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 28:49 +1:57
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 28:55 +2:03
7. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 29:08 +2:16
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 29:33 +2:41
9. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 29:46 +2:54
10. Elena Roos (5th) 29:48 +2:56
12. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 30:22 +3:30
13. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 31:02 +4:10
20. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 32:57 +6:05

On the long leg to the 5th control several top runners lost time. Again the two Norwegians took the wrong choice and ran straight; Benjaminsen losing 1:17 and Bjørgul losing 2:39.  Bjørgul is in 22nd place at this point in the competition, more than 6 minutes down. The two Swiss Sabine Hauswirth and Elena Roos also loose significant time here; Hauswirth with  1.32 and Roos with 1:06. Roos and Hauswirth did run to the left though, and lost time due to non-optimal execution.

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Women: 5-6

 Several loose half a minute on the forked control (note that the total times are based on when they actually were on this control, and thus they can not be used for comparison within the forking. Leg times are comparable, though).
Women: 5-6 (Legtimes)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:20 +0:00 +16%
2. Fanni Gyurko (29th) 1:28 +0:08 (to #12) +25%
3. Helena Jansson (12th) 1:34 +0:14 +3%
4. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:35 +0:15 0%
5. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:36 +0:16 +10%
6. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 1:36 +0:16 (to #12) +9%
7. Vendula Horcickova (24th) 1:38 +0:18 (to #12) +11%
8. Annika Rihma (20th) 1:38 +0:18 (to #12) +10%
9. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:40 +0:20 (to #12) +2%
10. Elena Roos (5th) 1:40 +0:20 (to #12) 0%
12. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:45 +0:25 (to #12) -3%
15. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 1:47 +0:27 (to #12) -3%
23. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:54 +0:34 (to #12) -10%
26. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:58 +0:38 -7%
28. Merja Rantanen (7th) 1:59 +0:39 -12%
41. Adela Indrakova (18th) 2:13 +0:53 (to #12) -14%
43. Sari Anttonen (13th) 2:17 +0:57 -20%
48. Julia Gross (15th) 2:51 +1:31 (to #12) -35%
Women: 5-6 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 28:12 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 29:54 +1:42
3. Helena Jansson (12th) 30:23 +2:11
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 30:43 +2:31
5. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 33:00 +4:48
6. Sari Anttonen (13th) 33:25 +5:13
7. Saila Kinni (19th) 33:45 +5:33
8. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 34:11 +5:59
9. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 34:33 +6:21
10. Charlotte Watson (25th) 34:57 +6:45
31. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 54:47 +26:35*
32. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 54:52 +26:40*
33. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 55:28 +27:16*
34. Emma Johansson (6th) 56:07 +27:55*
35. Elena Roos (5th) 56:28 +28:16*

Women: 6-7

To control 7 Sabine Hauswirth loses more than a minute (this is actually her 12th control, as it is on her second time through the center of the phi-loop) – now the Swiss has lost nearly 2 minutes on two controls. Add this to the 1:30 lost to control 5, and we are at 3:30, more than she was behind the bronze medal in the end. So Hauswirth does not have a big mistake which takes the bronze medal from her, but several smaller.

Women: 6-7 (Legtimes)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 0:51 +0:00 +5%
2. Helena Jansson (12th) 0:53 +0:02 +6%
3. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 0:55 +0:04 +12%
4. Natalia Efimova (21st) 0:55 +0:04 +12%
5. Elena Roos (5th) 0:55 +0:04 (to #13) +6%
6. Annika Rihma (20th) 0:55 +0:04 (to #13) +13%
7. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 0:56 +0:05 +10%
8. Emily Kemp (23rd) 0:56 +0:05 (to #13) +6%
9. Merja Rantanen (7th) 0:57 +0:06 +4%
10. Emma Johansson (6th) 0:59 +0:08 (to #13) +1%
11. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:00 +0:09 -8%
22. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:06 +0:15 -5%
27. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:07 +0:16 (to #13) -12%
36. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 1:12 +0:21 (to #13) -13%
39. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:14 +0:23 (to #13) -19%
47. Sari Anttonen (13th) 1:22 +0:31 -22%
58. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 2:08 +1:17 (to #13) -50%
Women: 6-7 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 29:03 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 30:54 +1:51
3. Helena Jansson (12th) 31:16 +2:13
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 31:40 +2:37
5. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 33:55 +4:52
6. Saila Kinni (19th) 34:45 +5:42
7. Sari Anttonen (13th) 34:47 +5:44
8. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 35:07 +6:04
9. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 35:39 +6:36
10. Charlotte Watson (25th) 36:06 +7:03
31. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 56:01 +26:58*
32. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 56:35 +27:32*
33. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 57:00 +27:57*
34. Emma Johansson (6th) 57:06 +28:03*
35. Elena Roos (5th) 57:23 +28:20*


Women: 7-8

 Several of the women loose time to control 8 – notably Bjørgul again has nearly a minute time loss. This is also one of the few controls where Alexandersson looses time – 37 seconds to best split time.
Women: 7-8 (Legtimes)

1. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 5:34 +0:00 +14%
2. Hollie Orr (16th) 5:37 +0:03 +14%
3. Natalia Efimova (21st) 5:44 +0:10 +12%
4. Sari Anttonen (13th) 5:55 +0:21 +8%
5. Emily Kemp (23rd) 5:56 +0:22 +5%
6. Annika Rihma (20th) 5:57 +0:23 +10%
7. Saila Kinni (19th) 5:59 +0:25 +10%
8. Maja Alm (2nd) 6:01 +0:27 -3%
9. Adela Indrakova (18th) 6:01 +0:27 +11%
10. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 6:06 +0:32 +6%
13. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 6:11 +0:37 -9%
14. Emma Johansson (6th) 6:17 +0:43 0%
15. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 6:17 +0:43 -2%
17. Elena Roos (5th) 6:20 +0:46 -2%
18. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 6:22 +0:48 +1%
19. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 6:28 +0:54 -2%
24. Merja Rantanen (7th) 6:39 +1:05 -5%
28. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 6:49 +1:15 -8%
56. Helena Jansson (12th) 11:39 +6:05 -49%
Women: 7-8 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 35:14 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 36:55 +1:41
3. Merja Rantanen (7th) 38:19 +3:05
4. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 39:58 +4:44
5. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 40:01 +4:47
6. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 40:01 +4:47
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 40:20 +5:06
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 40:34 +5:20
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 40:42 +5:28
10. Saila Kinni (19th) 40:44 +5:30
12. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 41:27 +6:13
15. Elena Roos (5th) 42:01 +6:47
16. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 42:01 +6:47

Women: 8-9

 To the 9th control it is Emma Johansson’s turn to loose time and the chance to fight for the bronze medal – 1:46 lost. Another Swede, Helena Jansson, looses 6 minutes here – going from bronze position and far out of the medals.
Women: 8-9 (Legtimes)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:44 +0:00 +9%
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:52 +0:08 +4%
3. Helena Jansson (12th) 1:53 +0:09 +6%
4. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 1:58 +0:14 +10%
5. Merja Rantanen (7th) 2:00 +0:16 +5%
6. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 2:01 +0:17 +4%
7. Fanni Gyurko (29th) 2:01 +0:17 +13%
8. Liga Valdmane (38th) 2:02 +0:18 +19%
9. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 2:03 +0:19 0%
10. Hollie Orr (16th) 2:04 +0:20 +5%
17. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 2:14 +0:30 0%
18. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 2:16 +0:32 -7%
31. Julia Gross (15th) 2:31 +0:47 -12%
32. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 2:32 +0:48 -12%
41. Elena Roos (5th) 2:56 +1:12 -28%
51. Emma Johansson (6th) 3:30 +1:46 -38%
Women: 8-9 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 36:58 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 38:47 +1:49
3. Merja Rantanen (7th) 40:19 +3:21
4. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 42:02 +5:04
5. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 42:11 +5:13
6. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 42:15 +5:17
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 42:36 +5:38
8. Saila Kinni (19th) 43:01 +6:03
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 43:05 +6:07
10. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 43:13 +6:15
11. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 43:30 +6:32
13. Emma Johansson (6th) 44:04 +7:06
16. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 44:33 +7:35
19. Elena Roos (5th) 44:57 +7:59

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Women: 9-10

 The 10th control also proves to be a tricky one for many – many of the runners in Top 10 loosing 1 minute or more. Sabine Hauswirth notably looses another 1:43 here. This is mostly about choosing wront micro routechoices – Hauswirth in addition runs too far to the right where runnability is worse, and she has to cross a deep gully which costs extra time.
Women: 9-10 (Legtimes)

1. Maja Alm (2nd) 7:08 +0:00 +6%
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 7:19 +0:11 0%
3. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 7:34 +0:26 +11%
4. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 7:37 +0:29 +11%
5. Helena Jansson (12th) 7:40 +0:32 +1%
6. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 7:43 +0:35 +8%
7. Fanni Gyurko (29th) 7:44 +0:36 +14%
8. Hollie Orr (16th) 7:52 +0:44 +7%
9. Elena Roos (5th) 7:55 +0:47 +1%
10. Jessica Tullie (17th) 8:04 +0:56 +10%
15. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 8:18 +1:10 -2%
17. Emma Johansson (6th) 8:25 +1:17 -2%
19. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 8:28 +1:20 -3%
22. Merja Rantanen (7th) 8:41 +1:33 -5%
25. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 8:51 +1:43 -6%
45. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 11:01 +3:53 -23%
Women: 9-10 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 44:17 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 45:55 +1:38
3. Merja Rantanen (7th) 49:00 +4:43
4. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 49:52 +5:35
5. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 49:54 +5:37
6. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 50:53 +6:36
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 51:04 +6:47
8. Saila Kinni (19th) 51:06 +6:49
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 51:21 +7:04
10. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 51:48 +7:31
12. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 52:07 +7:50
14. Emma Johansson (6th) 52:29 +8:12
16. Elena Roos (5th) 52:52 +8:35

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Women: 10-11

Women: 10-11 (Legtimes)

1. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 1:39 +0:00 +17%
2. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:42 +0:03 0%
3. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:44 +0:05 0%
4. Helena Jansson (12th) 1:45 +0:06 +2%
5. Natalia Efimova (21st) 1:45 +0:06 +11%
6. Emily Kemp (23rd) 1:46 +0:07 +6%
7. Fanni Gyurko (29th) 1:47 +0:08 +14%
8. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:49 +0:10 +3%
9. Annika Rihma (20th) 1:50 +0:11 +8%
10. Julia Gross (15th) 1:51 +0:12 +4%
13. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:55 +0:16 -3%
14. Elena Roos (5th) 1:56 +0:17 -3%
15. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:57 +0:18 +1%
20. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:58 +0:19 -3%
28. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 2:08 +0:29 -7%
31. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 2:12 +0:33 -13%
53. Merja Rantanen (7th) 2:50 +1:11 -31%
Women: 10-11 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 45:59 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 47:39 +1:40
3. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 51:49 +5:50
4. Merja Rantanen (7th) 51:50 +5:51
5. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 51:55 +5:56
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 52:53 +6:54
7. Saila Kinni (19th) 53:03 +7:04
8. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 53:05 +7:06
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 53:13 +7:14
10. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 53:43 +7:44
13. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 54:15 +8:16
14. Emma Johansson (6th) 54:27 +8:28
16. Elena Roos (5th) 54:48 +8:49

Women: 11-12

Women: 11-12 (Legtimes)

1. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 2:55 +0:00 +12%
2. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 3:00 +0:05 (to #6) +8%
3. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 3:02 +0:07 (to #6) +8%
4. Emma Johansson (6th) 3:04 +0:09 (to #6) +6%
5. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 3:06 +0:11 (to #6) +3%
6. Emily Kemp (23rd) 3:07 +0:12 (to #6) +5%
7. Merja Rantanen (7th) 3:07 +0:12 +5%
8. Natalia Efimova (21st) 3:10 +0:15 +7%
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 3:11 +0:16 +6%
10. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 3:11 +0:16 +6%
11. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 3:12 +0:17 -8%
14. Elena Roos (5th) 3:17 +0:22 (to #6) -1%
15. Maja Alm (2nd) 3:17 +0:22 -7%
30. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 3:40 +0:45 -5%
36. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 3:49 +0:54 (to #6) -10%
Women: 11-12 (Total times)

1. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 31:51 +0:00
2. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 31:55 +0:04
3. Emma Johansson (6th) 32:37 +0:46
4. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 32:41 +0:50
5. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 32:57 +1:06
6. Elena Roos (5th) 33:05 +1:14
7. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 33:28 +1:37
8. Julia Gross (15th) 33:29 +1:38
9. Emily Kemp (23rd) 34:41 +2:50
10. Vendula Horcickova (24th) 35:57 +4:06
27. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 49:11 +17:20*
29. Maja Alm (2nd) 50:56 +19:05*
33. Merja Rantanen (7th) 54:57 +23:06*
34. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 55:29 +23:38*
39. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 57:26 +25:35*

Women: 12-13

Women: 12-13 (Legtimes)

1. Hollie Orr (16th) 1:21 +0:00 +23%
2. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 1:27 +0:06 (to #7) +15%
3. Susen Loesch (22nd) 1:29 +0:08 +16%
4. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:33 +0:12 -2%
5. Merja Rantanen (7th) 1:33 +0:12 +5%
6. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:34 +0:13 -6%
7. Ursula Kadan (26th) 1:34 +0:13 +10%
8. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 1:34 +0:13 +8%
9. Sari Anttonen (13th) 1:35 +0:14 +6%
10. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:36 +0:15 (to #7) +1%
14. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:40 +0:19 (to #7) -1%
15. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:41 +0:20 0%
16. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 1:42 +0:21 (to #7) -3%
17. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:42 +0:21 (to #7) -5%
19. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:50 +0:29 -5%
26. Julia Gross (15th) 1:57 +0:36 (to #7) -12%
27. Annika Rihma (20th) 1:58 +0:37 (to #7) -10%
36. Adela Indrakova (18th) 2:15 +0:54 (to #7) -19%
45. Saila Kinni (19th) 2:32 +1:11 -27%
48. Elena Roos (5th) 2:36 +1:15 (to #7) -37%
Women: 12-13 (Total times)

1. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 33:31 +0:00
2. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 33:33 +0:02
3. Emma Johansson (6th) 34:17 +0:46
4. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 34:24 +0:53
5. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 34:26 +0:55
6. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 35:10 +1:39
7. Julia Gross (15th) 35:26 +1:55
8. Elena Roos (5th) 35:41 +2:10
9. Emily Kemp (23rd) 36:17 +2:46
10. Vendula Horcickova (24th) 38:03 +4:32
27. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 50:45 +17:14*
29. Maja Alm (2nd) 52:29 +18:58*
32. Merja Rantanen (7th) 56:30 +22:59*
33. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 57:19 +23:48*
39. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 59:07 +25:36*

Women: 13-14

Women: 13-14 (Legtimes)

1. Emily Kemp (23rd) 1:38 +0:00 +30%
2. Sari Anttonen (13th) 1:54 +0:16 +16%
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 2:01 +0:23 +5%
4. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 2:01 +0:23 +10%
5. Irita Pukite (32nd) 2:03 +0:25 +17%
6. Liga Valdmane (38th) 2:04 +0:26 +20%
7. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 2:05 +0:27 +8%
8. Shuangyan Hao (51th) 2:06 +0:28 +31%
9. Franciely De Siqueira Chiles (55th) 2:07 +0:29 +34%
10. Maja Alm (2nd) 2:09 +0:31 -7%
12. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 2:11 +0:33 -11%
14. Merja Rantanen (7th) 2:11 +0:33 0%
15. Elena Roos (5th) 2:12 +0:34 -3%
18. Helena Jansson (12th) 2:17 +0:39 -10%
21. Emma Johansson (6th) 2:24 +0:46 -9%
23. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 2:25 +0:47 -9%
24. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 2:25 +0:47 -6%
26. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 2:28 +0:50 -12%
33. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 2:36 +0:58 -15%
39. Hollie Orr (16th) 2:41 +1:03 -14%
Women: 13-14 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 52:56 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 54:38 +1:42
3. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 56:54 +3:58
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 58:29 +5:33
5. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 58:36 +5:40
6. Merja Rantanen (7th) 58:41 +5:45
7. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 59:24 +6:28
8. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 59:25 +6:29
9. Emma Johansson (6th) 59:30 +6:34
10. Elena Roos (5th) 59:35 +6:39
16. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 61:32 +8:36

Women: 14-15

Women: 14-15 (Legtimes)

1. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 0:53 +0:00 +21%
2. Helena Jansson (12th) 0:57 +0:04 +4%
3. Virag Weiler (43rd) 0:57 +0:04 +28%
4. Hollie Orr (16th) 0:59 +0:06 +10%
5. Kristina Ivanova (40th) 0:59 +0:06 +19%
6. Elena Roos (5th) 1:00 +0:07 +2%
7. Annika Rihma (20th) 1:01 +0:08 +8%
8. Natalia Efimova (21st) 1:01 +0:08 +7%
9. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:02 +0:09 -9%
10. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:02 +0:09 0%
11. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 1:02 +0:09 +1%
13. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:03 +0:10 0%
18. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:04 +0:11 +1%
21. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:06 +0:13 -12%
27. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:08 +0:15 -2%
28. Merja Rantanen (7th) 1:09 +0:16 -8%
38. Sari Anttonen (13th) 1:15 +0:22 -12%
42. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 1:17 +0:24 -19%
61. Saila Kinni (19th) 2:23 +1:30 -47%
Women: 14-15 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 53:58 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 55:44 +1:46
3. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 57:47 +3:49
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 59:31 +5:33
5. Merja Rantanen (7th) 59:50 +5:52
6. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 59:53 +5:55
7. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 60:27 +6:29
8. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 60:32 +6:34
9. Emma Johansson (6th) 60:33 +6:35
10. Elena Roos (5th) 60:35 +6:37
15. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 62:36 +8:38

Women: 15-16

 To control 16 we again have big time losses due to non-optimal route choices – most notable Anastasia Rudnaya losing more than 4 minutes and going from a 3rd place to an 8th place (running to the left). Roos, Bjørgul (straight but bad execution) and Benjaminsen (right) all loose more than a minute; Hauswirth (left) and Hausken Nordberg (left) loose more than 2 minutes! Hausken Nordberg’s time loss took her out of the medals at this point in the race – and she never managed to get in again.
Women: 15-16 (Legtimes)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 12:08 +0:00 +3%
2. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 12:36 +0:28 +8%
3. Maja Alm (2nd) 12:51 +0:43 0%
4. Annika Rihma (20th) 13:06 +0:58 +11%
5. Kristina Ivanova (40th) 13:09 +1:01 +18%
6. Elena Roos (5th) 13:11 +1:03 +3%
7. Hollie Orr (16th) 13:11 +1:03 +9%
8. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 13:14 +1:06 +8%
9. Emma Johansson (6th) 13:25 +1:17 +3%
10. Jessica Tullie (17th) 13:42 +1:34 +10%
12. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 13:49 +1:41 +5%
16. Merja Rantanen (7th) 14:08 +2:00 -1%
19. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 14:23 +2:15 -2%
23. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 14:39 +2:31 -5%
31. Julia Gross (15th) 16:19 +4:11 -11%
34. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 16:29 +4:21 -11%
Women: 15-16 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 66:06 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 68:35 +2:29
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 72:29 +6:23
4. Elena Roos (5th) 73:46 +7:40
5. Emma Johansson (6th) 73:58 +7:52
6. Merja Rantanen (7th) 73:58 +7:52
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 74:10 +8:04
8. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 74:16 +8:10
9. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 74:21 +8:15
10. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 74:50 +8:44
13. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 75:50 +9:44

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Women: 16-17

This “sprint trap” fooled a few, but in the end was not decisive for the medals.
Women: 16-17 (Legtimes)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 4:38 +0:00 +5%
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 4:55 +0:17 +2%
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 5:01 +0:23 +5%
4. Emma Johansson (6th) 5:05 +0:27 +6%
5. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 5:05 +0:27 +7%
6. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 5:07 +0:29 +5%
7. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 5:09 +0:31 +4%
8. Julia Gross (15th) 5:09 +0:31 +7%
9. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 5:10 +0:32 +8%
10. Elena Roos (5th) 5:15 +0:37 +1%
11. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 5:22 +0:44 +5%
12. Merja Rantanen (7th) 5:26 +0:48 0%
49. Hollie Orr (16th) 7:08 +2:30 -19%
Women: 16-17 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 70:44 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 73:30 +2:46
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 77:30 +6:46
4. Elena Roos (5th) 79:01 +8:17
5. Emma Johansson (6th) 79:03 +8:19
6. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 79:19 +8:35
7. Merja Rantanen (7th) 79:24 +8:40
8. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 79:43 +8:59
9. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 79:57 +9:13
10. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 79:58 +9:14
11. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 81:00 +10:16

Women: 17-18

Women: 17-18 (Legtimes)

1. Maja Alm (2nd) 2:58 +0:00 +13%
2. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 3:05 +0:07 +17%
3. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 3:06 +0:08 +15%
4. Julia Gross (15th) 3:08 +0:10 +18%
5. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 3:11 +0:13 +11%
6. Merja Rantanen (7th) 3:19 +0:21 +9%
7. Helena Jansson (12th) 3:27 +0:29 0%
8. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 3:37 +0:39 -10%
9. Adela Indrakova (18th) 3:38 +0:40 +7%
10. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 3:39 +0:41 +2%
12. Elena Roos (5th) 3:41 +0:43 -3%
18. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 3:58 +1:00 -3%
23. Emma Johansson (6th) 4:06 +1:08 -10%
33. Annika Rihma (20th) 4:23 +1:25 -10%
35. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 4:28 +1:30 -14%
40. Saila Kinni (19th) 4:33 +1:35 -13%
Women: 17-18 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 74:21 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 76:28 +2:07
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 80:41 +6:20
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 82:25 +8:04
5. Elena Roos (5th) 82:42 +8:21
6. Merja Rantanen (7th) 82:43 +8:22
7. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 83:02 +8:41
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 83:09 +8:48
9. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 83:41 +9:20
10. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 84:26 +10:05
11. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 84:39 +10:18

Women: 18-19

Women: 18-19 (Legtimes)

1. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 0:56 +0:00 +14%
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 1:00 +0:04 +1%
3. Emma Johansson (6th) 1:00 +0:04 +8%
4. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 1:01 +0:05 -3%
5. Ursula Kadan (26th) 1:01 +0:05 +13%
6. Kristina Ivanova (40th) 1:01 +0:05 +20%
7. Julia Gross (15th) 1:02 +0:06 +8%
8. Karolin Ohlsson (27th) 1:02 +0:06 +9%
9. Merja Rantanen (7th) 1:04 +0:08 +2%
10. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 1:04 +0:08 +2%
12. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 1:05 +0:09 0%
14. Elena Roos (5th) 1:08 +0:12 -5%
16. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 1:08 +0:12 0%
30. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 1:16 +0:20 -8%
Women: 18-19 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 75:22 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 77:28 +2:06
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 81:37 +6:15
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 83:30 +8:08
5. Merja Rantanen (7th) 83:47 +8:25
6. Elena Roos (5th) 83:50 +8:28
7. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 84:06 +8:44
8. Emma Johansson (6th) 84:09 +8:47
9. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 84:57 +9:35
10. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 85:34 +10:12
11. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 85:47 +10:25

Women: 19-20

Women: 19-20 (Legtimes)

1. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 2:01 +0:00 +15%
2. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 2:03 +0:02 +18%
3. Elena Roos (5th) 2:07 +0:06 +9%
4. Maja Alm (2nd) 2:09 +0:08 +2%
5. Emma Johansson (6th) 2:10 +0:09 +9%
6. Anastasia Denisova (14th) 2:14 +0:13 +6%
7. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 2:16 +0:15 +7%
8. Kristina Ivanova (40th) 2:19 +0:18 +15%
9. Helena Jansson (12th) 2:21 +0:20 -4%
10. Natalia Efimova (21st) 2:21 +0:20 +5%
12. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 2:24 +0:23 -1%
14. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 2:26 +0:25 -13%
22. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 2:36 +0:35 -8%
26. Merja Rantanen (7th) 2:39 +0:38 -9%
30. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 2:43 +0:42 -7%
37. Saila Kinni (19th) 2:52 +0:51 -10%
59. Annika Rihma (20th) 3:50 +1:49 -30%
Women: 19-20 (Total times)

1. Tove Alexandersson (1st) 77:48 +0:00
2. Maja Alm (2nd) 79:37 +1:49
3. Natalia Gemperle (3rd) 83:38 +5:50
4. Anne Margrethe Hausken Nordberg (4th) 85:54 +8:06
5. Elena Roos (5th) 85:57 +8:09
6. Emma Johansson (6th) 86:19 +8:31
7. Merja Rantanen (7th) 86:26 +8:38
8. Sabine Hauswirth (8th) 86:42 +8:54
9. Andrine Benjaminsen (9th) 87:40 +9:52
10. Anastasia Rudnaya (11th) 87:50 +10:02
11. Ida Marie Naess Bjoergul (10th) 87:50 +10:02


About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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