Route To O-Season 2020: Day 53


We continue with the 10Mila focus in Route to O-Season 2020. Today we take another look at 10Mila 2016 – this time at the 4th leg – “Långa natten”.  The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 52


We continue with the 10Mila focus in Route to O-Season 2020: Today we travel back to the last leg of 10Mila 2016 in the men’s class.  Request: The plan is to present more 10Mila legs the next days – please send me a note at if you know about ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 51


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 takes us to 10Mila! But instead of this year’s edition which is cancelled/postponed, we look back at the 10Mila 2011 – looking at the 11th control of the 6th leg (night leg).  The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 50


For the 50th(!) day in Route to O-Season 2020 we travel to Czech Republic and take a look at a leg from the Junior World Championship Long back in 2013. The chosen leg is the 3rd in the men’s course. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 49


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 takes us back to Junior World Championships Long in Switzerland in 2016 – and again we take a look at the longest leg in the women’s course.  The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 48


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is the longest leg in the women’s class in Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) Long 2017 in Finland. The chosen leg is the 11th leg. Note that the longest leg in the men’s class in this event was already presented back in Route ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 47


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is leg 5 in the W21E course from Finnish Championships Long 2018 – the men’s course from the same race was one of the finalists in “Course of the Year 2018″. This race was featured in Route to Christmas 2018 – but then we ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 46


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is another urban leg: Leg 9 in the M21E course from World Cup Sprint race in Switzerland autumn 2019. This leg in was defining for the competition with the top 4 in total taking the top 4 places on the leg (although in ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 45


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a leg from the “Sprint course of the year 2018″, the Junior World Championships Sprint in Hungary. The chosen leg is the men’s 8th leg. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 44


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a leg from part of the embargoed area for WOC 2021 in Czech Republic. In 2016 a Czech national race was organized on this map – the INNVO-8 Cup. The 17th leg in the men’s leg was an interesting route choice leg ...

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