Route To O-Season 2020: Day 27


[Updated with further analysis from Milos Nykodym] Today’s leg in Route to O-Season is an interesting leg I found when browsing from the last week.  The leg is from Czech Republic, and was run by Czech national team runner Vojtech Kral along with some other runners.  The leg is as usually ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 26


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is another long and interesting route choice leg from Switzerland. The chosen leg is the 15th from the M21 course in the first national Swiss Race in 2019.  Thanks a lot to Pascal Buchs for the tip! The leg is as usually first ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 25


Today we again travel to the country where next year’s World Orienteering Championships is to be organized: The Czech Republic. The year is 2011, and the race is a long distance chasing start World Cup race in the Liberec area. Thanks a lot to John Chandler for the tip and ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 24


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is another urban leg – this time a long leg from the Citysprint at Bergen Sprint Camp back in 2017. The chosen leg is leg number 4 which was run in both the men and women’s class. Comment on Route to O-Season: Already ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 23


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a small tribute to the 25 years anniversary of PWT, as the first PWT events were held all the way back in 1996. This particular leg is from the second PWT stage in the PWT China tour in 2016, in Beijing Garden Expo ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 22


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 takes us back to another epic long route choice leg from a World Orienteering Championships: The longest leg in the women’s WOC 2010 Long distance in Trondheim, Norway. What a spread in the chosen routes! The leg is as usually first provided without ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 21


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a fresh leg from a contactless middle distance “race” organized by Team Latvia this week. Thanks a lot to Janis Tamuzs for the tip and the analysis! Here is Janis’ intro to the leg: During the quarantine, Team Latvia, similar to orienteers all ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 20


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 takes us back to WOC 2017 in Estonia. The tip comes from Markus Puusepp who notes that legs from the WOC 2017 women’s course have not been featured in Route to Christmas, and would therefore be a good fit for Route to O-Season ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 19


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is one of the real highlights of the long legs in World Orienteering Championships the last 15 years: The long leg in the men’s class from WOC 2008 in Czech Republic.  Thanks a lot to Tomas Sokol for the tip and for route choice ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 18


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a long, long leg from Italy back in 2008:  The 12th leg in the Highlands Open Long 2008 in the M21 class. Note: Good suggestions for legs – also/especially nice, historic routechoice legs from WOC/EOC/World Cup with accompanying analysis, are welcome (and needed; with ...

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