Today at 10 am we will hopefully hear speakers Jørn Sundby and Fabrice Erdinger commenting live from the very exciting middle distance final at the World Cup Final in France. After some initial problems with the live updated results in yesterdays qualification race, the organizers managed to get the live results up and going halfway through the race.
Jenny Johanson, Radka Brozkova, Helena Jansson, Daniel Hubmann, Jarkko Huovila and Thierry Gueorgiou won their qualification heats, and will start at the end of the field.
Even more difficult
According to several of the runners, the terrain in todays final is supposed to be significantly more difficult than in yesterdays qualification – where the runners where able to save themselves from large mistakes by heading out to a path or a road. For example, heat winner Daniel Hubmann’s mistake at the second control (map below left) could have grown to several minutes if he had not had the possibility to find his position accurately at the path behind the control. Also, when you look at the route choice of Øystein Kvaal Østerbø (map below right), you see that Øystein has used the paths everywhere where it is possible – often running 25-30% extra distance. In the final, there will be nearly no roads – and the orienteering must be even more accurate.
Left: Part of Daniel Hubmanns map with route choice. Right: Part of Øystein Kvaal Østerbøs map with route choice.