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Do not miss the good stories!

A new feature is now introduced at World of O: It is now possible to tell your opinion about a story by giving the story a rating between 1 and 5. Rating a story is extremely fast and easy – it will not take you more than a second or so. Please give feedback if you have problems with this new feature. If too many people have problems, I will remove it and try to find another way to do this. Please tell me if you like it, or if you would rather like to have it removed.

The reason for introducing this feature is that many people have told me that there are so many news stories going “through” World of O every day, that they miss the good and important stories if they don’t come back two times a day. The “most read” feature which was introduced early this summer helps a bit, but rating stories will make it possible to go a step further – and the chances you will miss the really good stories will hopefully become smaller…

Update 24/10/06: Very few people voted, so this feature is temporarily removed. It may be introduced later on again, but then in a somewhat different form.


About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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  1. I can’t find this function, where is it?

  2. I never saw this function, even though I visit worldofo.com many times every day. I tried IE 6, FF 1.2? and Opera 9, all gave Javascript errors. Can the reason that few voted, be that few or none were able to see it? Or was it just me and my browsers?

  3. Ole: I tested this in several browser (but only newer browsers, IE6, Opera 9 and Firefox 1.5), and there it worked. I also know that it worked for some people, as I got both positive feedback and saw that some people voted the first few days. My thought was that this feature would be useful even if it did not work in all browsers, as it didn’t disturb users with older browsers. But with so few people using it, I removed it. However, I will look into an alternative method more browser-friendly and less fancy later on. Thanks for your comments.