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Home / Orienteering News / Best Jukola ever for International Viewers: WebTV with International commentary

Best Jukola ever for International Viewers: WebTV with International commentary


The commentary will be in English by Jørn Sundby (NOR). Several expert commentators as well as former top level athletes will be present in the studio. A lot of live GPS tracking and interesting interviews will be included. This international broadcast also has its own director, with 20 cameras in use.

As a fulfilment for many requests, Jukola relay 13.-14.6. can now be followed live through an international web TV broadcast.

– We have an aspiration of serving better those following Jukola abroad. So, even if you won’t have a chance to be on the spot, you still have the opportunity to feel and enjoy the atmosphere of Jukola accompanied by commentary in English, extols Event Manager Janne Virtanen.

The price for the broadcast is 10 € per relay or, alternatively, 17 € for both relays.

The broadcast is implemented through IOF LiveCenter:

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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  1. I watched it for several years now. It was never so bad. Even for people from abroad wich didnt understand so much what they talked about. And it was for free (as far as I remember). So they will have to improve it a lot to keep up with the premature praise and the new 10 Euro fee. I hope they will.

    • I think that having a dedicated English-language commentary for the webTV only should add a lot for people who don’t understand Swedish or Finnish. Sundby is also a quite entertaining speaker.

      So for me it would add a lot – going from something where you don’t understand what is happening 80% of the time to get it explained in English + more Interviews. But this time I’ll be in Finland, so I won’t need it :)

    • I agree with you Color, live from YLE is not understandable for a poor french like me, but I enjoyed it anyway as it offers nice pictures, GPS tracking, excitement and even some English interview and all that for free.
      Hope this year live will worth it, but unfortunately I won’t be able to test it, I got other plans, I’d have like to have a quick look for a dozen of minutes, but then it don’t worth it…
      Or maybe YLE live-Stream will also be available ?

  2. YLE stream (in Finnish/Swedish) won’t be available outside Finland

  3. The feed is already live. But the resolution is really low!!!
    I hope that will improve when the competition starts.

  4. Jostein Andersen

    Does anyone else get Invaild token with the purchased order? Classic! Make payment, something goes wrong and so support..

    Thanks, IOF. Well played..

  5. Peter A, Söders

    We also get Invalid Token. Anyone has an answer to why?

    • I received the following message from the support:

      “the code is in the second message which is propably in your spam/junk email box (hotmail).”


  6. I received the following message from the support:

    “the code is in the second message which is propably in your spam/junk email box (hotmail).”
