Best of 2008 – Happy New Year!

Thierry Gueorgiou, Minna Kauppi, Simone Niggli, Øystein Kvaal Østerbø – the most popular stories at World of O in 2008 where either written by the top World Orienteering Elite – or about them. Most read – and also most popular in terms of positive reviews was Minna Kauppi’s late autumn ...

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Route to Christmas 2008: Bonus 4

The fourth Bonus route in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is again from Ås by Night & Fog 2008 #1 @ 2008-11-25 by Ås-UMB Orientering. We are still looking at the men 17 category – but now leg number 17. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you ...

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Route to Christmas 2008: Bonus 3

The third Bonus route in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is from Ås by Night & Fog 2008 #1 @ 2008-11-25 by Ås-UMB Orientering. We are looking at the men 17 category. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think ...

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Route to Christmas 2008: Bonus 2

The second Bonus route in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is from the sprint competition Ribbe&Loff 2008 @ 2008-12-13 by Sentrum OK. We are looking at the men 21 category. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how ...

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Route to Christmas 2008: Bonus

Todays leg in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is a bonus leg – as we are already at December 25th. It is leg 14 in Men 21E from the French Champs Long Distance 2008 @ 2008-08-23. Thank you very much to Eva Jurenikova for the tip. The leg is as usually ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 24 2008

Todays leg in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is from one of the rock labyrinth areas near to Le Caylar, on the Plateau du Larzac. – Wonderful to run on, even better to plan the courses, says Ray Hulse who gave the tip of this leg. Le Caylar is also the ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 23 2008

Today we present several legs from WMOC 2008 Long Final in Portugal in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ @ 2008-07-05. The first three legs are from Men 45 – the last one is from Men 40. Note that not all the best runners have drawn their routes, so you won’t have ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 22 2008

Todays leg in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is another leg from the Hungarian Champs Long Distance – October 25th 2008 – where Daniel Hubmann made one of the most impressive runs of the year. Many world class runners where present – and Hubmann won with impressive 5 minutes. The leg ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 21 2008

Today we present a leg from an Israeli event based on the Israeli course planning championship, held in Park Canada on December 13th. The leg is the 9th leg in the longest course. Thank you very much to the course planner Dan Chissick for preparing map and routes. The leg ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 20 2008

Todays leg in ‘Route to Christmas 2008′ is leg 26 in HE from the Swiss Champs long distance 2008 @ 2008-09-07 – OLG Cordoba. Again not all the best runners have drawn their route – but still an interesting leg with several different options taken by the runners. The leg ...

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