Route to Christmas 2016: Bonus Leg 1


There was another leg in the Finnish WOC selection race Long distance that was very interesting – and therefore a bonus Route to Christmas leg: Leg 5 in the H21E course from the race. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 24 2016


A long leg where no solution feels like a really good solution – that’s the type of leg we have chosen for the last day of the 2016 edition of Route to Christmas. The 3 km long leg is from Finland, from the Finnish WOC selection race Long, organized at June ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 23 2016


Today we move from the forest into the city in Route to Christmas – for the first time in 2016. The leg is from the 5th event in Swedish League, organized at May 5th. Thanks to Fredrik Ahnlén for the tip. The leg is as usually first provided without routes ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 22 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is leg 2 in the LongMiddle course from Kjempesprekken 2016 – a long distance race in the Oslo-area in Norway. Thanks to Terje Mathisen for the tip! The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 21 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is a leg from Poland – from the Polish Club Championships 2016.  The competition is chosen based on a tip by Wojciech Dwojak; however Dwojak suggested leg 14-15, whereas leg 11-12 is suggested for route to christmas. Leg 14-15 is also shown at the boottom ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 20 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is leg X in the M21E course from Latvian Long distance championship 2016. Thanks a lot to Matiss Ratnieks for the suggestion and athlete interviews. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think ...

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Lucky Voters: Check if you won fantastic prizes!


Check here if you won any of the prizes worth more than 5000 Euros in total in your voting for “The Orienteering Achievement of 2016″!  The vote has been decided by the big international readership of – nearly 4500 unique votes from around 60 different countries have been delivered – making ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 19 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is a monsterleg from a night orienteering race in Halden, Norway – the third race of the Halden Day Night Cup  in the 2016/2017 winter season.   The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 18 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is the first leg in the M21A course from NSW Long Championships 2016 in Australia. Andrew Lumsden has provided some introductory comments and also comments from some of the athletes. Snow Hills is the best spur gully area in Australia. The white is very fast.  ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 17 2016


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is one of the absolute highlights of the year – the long 3rd leg in the Course of the Year 2016: The 4th day of France 5 Days 2016. With the help from course setter Ludo Ruiz we have a comprehensive analysis of the ...

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