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Jukola & Venla 2013: GPS Tracking


GPS tracking from all tracked teams from Jukola & Venla is now available. See also a comparison (autOanalysis) between the last leg races of Kalevan Rasti (Gueorgiou) and Kristiansand (D Hubmann) below – and a comparison between Matthias Merz (best time on the last leg) and Thierry Gueorgiou.

  • Map: AutOanalysis Gueorgiou vs Hubmann. Some seconds lost here and there for both, but no big differences in neither time nor route choice to be seen. Gueorgiou looses around 20-30 seconds to number 7 on a direction mistake. The gap was around 2 minutes at the start of the leg – and some seconds more at the end of the leg.
  • Map: AutOanalysis Gueorgiou vs Merz. Merz had a very strong run this morning – being some seconds faster than Gueorgiou in most of the course. If Merz would have been the chaser instead of Hubmann, the outcome might have been a different one… There are no big differences in route choice, but instead of equally sharing the small time losses, now Gueorgiou has to take most of them.

Do your own autOAnalysis in 2DRerun:

  • Jukola / Venla relay in 2DRerun (choose which runners to compare – and upload your own route if you have one ; PS! There is a problem with some GPS tracks containing more than one runner, i.e. both the route indicated and another leg in addition.)

Below you can open all legs in GPSSeuranta:

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 7. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 6. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 5. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 4. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 3. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 2. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Jukolan Viesti 1. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Venlojen Viesti 4. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Venlojen Viesti 3. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

Venlojen Viesti 2. osuus

June 15th 2013 – GPSSeuranta

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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