Route to Christmas: Day 24 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is leg 4 from the Norwegian Championships night – a leg with some interesting route choice options! Thanks a lot to Mathias Benjaminsen for the tip. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think ...

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Course of the Year 2021: Voting closed


The voting for “Course of the Year 2021″ is now closed. Winners and lucky voters will be presented between Christmas and New Year when the interview with the course setter for “Course of the Year 2021″ is ready for publication.  See below for the Top 10 in the final standings ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 23 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is the last sprint leg in this year’s edition of Route to Christmas. This time we travel to Estonia to the Estonian Championships sprint. Thanks a lot to Uku-Laur Tali for the tip! Uku-Laur Tali was the head organizer while the course setter was Eduard ...

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Course of the Year 2021: Last day to vote!


On the last day of voting, courses from the following countries are in the Top 10: Sweden, Czech Republic, Italy,  Finland & Spain – with Czech Republic having most courses in the Top 10.  Check out the list of the courses within Top 10 below – and vote for your ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 22 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is another long and interesting leg! Now we are back to Norwegian forests – the last time was on December 11th. Thanks a lot to Arild Andersen for the tip! The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a ...

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Course of the Year 2021: Check out Top 15 & 2 days left to vote!


Courses from Australia, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Finland & Spain are within Top 15 in Course of the Year after two days of voting – with two days still to go! Check out the list of the courses within Top 15 below – and vote for your favourite! ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 21 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is another one from Czech Republic, but in very different terrain from the sandstone terrain we have visited earlier. After many very tricky legs, this is one which is a bit easier – here you just have to decide! The chosen competition is ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 20 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is more of an orienteering puzzle than a normal orienteering leg – so you might need to set aside some time to figure this one out. Thanks a lot to Robert Graham for the tip! The leg is from a complex multi-lever sprint training ...

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Vote for Course of the Year 2021 Now!


What was the best orienteering course of 2021? Set up your personal Top 5 List from the nominated maps – and win prizes from our sponsors! The nominated maps have been chosen based on submissions from the readers and some of the world’s top orienteers. Now YOU can choose “The Course ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 19 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is another Sprint leg. This Sprint leg is from Team Latvia’s training towards the European Orienteering Championships. The city is Talsi and course setter was Olli-Markus Taivainen. Thanks a lot to Janis Tamuzs for the tip and for preparing analysis. The leg in question is from ...

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