Route to Christmas: Day 12 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is not from a competition like all the other entries so far this year, but from a training camp. The chosen training is a training the Swedish team did in Switzerland this autumn on the map Fluewald-Ahorn, with Ursli as course setter. The ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 11 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is another quite long leg in Nordic terrain – this time from the Norwegian Championships long distance which was organized close to Porsgrunn in eastern Norway. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 10 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is from one of the courses nominated for Course of the Year 2021, an interesting long distance race in Idala, Göteborg this May. The chosen leg is the leg to the 19th control in the men’s course. Here is the intro of Viktor Wassén who ...

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Course of the Year 2021: Submit your suggestions!


What was the best orienteering course of 2021? The Norwegian World Champs selection race long distance won in 2019, the World Cup Final Middle in Czech Republic won in 2018, the World Champs middle distance in Estonia won in 2017 and the last stage of France 5 won in 2016. Other winners are a spectacular sprint between ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 9 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is a leg from the last part of an ultralong race – Blodslitet organized in eastern Norway this autumn. The chosen leg is the 5th leg on the last, common leg – many tired legs and brains at this point of the race. ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 8 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is from one of the most anticipated races in the international orienteering season 2021 – the World Orienteering Championships Long distance in sandstone terrain in Czech Republic. The chosen leg is the 2nd leg in the women’s course – the longest and potentially most decisive ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 7 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is a women’s leg from the Finnish Long distance championships. Another real routechoice leg – and this time with many runners losing time on a slower routechoice. Can you spot the fastest route?  Thanks a lot to Agnar Reolen for the tip! The ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 6 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is another long night orienteering leg – although not as long as yesterday. This time we travel to Sweden and the Swedish championships night orienteering. The chosen leg is the 18th leg in the men’s elite course – featuring the usual tactical choices ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 5 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is a monsterleg from this year’s Jukola relay. More than 5 km – in marshes – at night (although it wasn’t that dark in northern Finland this summer). Edit: Those who were there assured me it was more than dark enough, so treat it ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 4 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is the first leg from the Swiss Championships Long distance (LOM) organized in interesting pre-alpine terrain. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how you would attack this leg (if the ...

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