World Cup Final 2022: Maps, Results and Analysis


The Swiss athletes were very impressive at the World Cup Final on homeground this extended weekend, taking 4 out of 6 victories, showing  that Switzerland is well prepared for next year’s World Championships on homeground in Flims. The weekend started with relay victories in both the men’s and women’s class for the Swiss ...

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World Cup Final 2022: All You Need To Know

2022-09-29 16_12_16-Zugwald-Klosters,-old-map-from-1998

This year’s World Cup final is organized Saturday October 1st to Monday October 3rd in the Davos-Klosters region in Switzerland, at high altitude between 1500 and 2000 masl. The weekend starts with a traditional forest relay, then continues with a technical middle distance before finishing off with a tough long distance on Monday.  The ...

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EOC 2022 Relay: Maps, Results and Analysis


Sweden won the women’s relay and and Norway won the men’s relay at the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) in Estonia Sunday. Many runners did big mistakes in the tricky terrain, making the relays very interesting for the viewers. In the women’s class Sweden took a clear victory ahead of Czech ...

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EOC 2022 Middle: Maps, Results and Analysis


Albin Ridefelt (Sweden) and Simona Aebersold (Switzerland) took the gold medals in the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) Middle distance in Estonia. As in the long distance the orienteering was very tricky, and many of the pre-race favourites struggled in the bushy terrain. Seldom have we seen so many runners stopping ...

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EOC 2022 Long: Maps, Results & GPS Analysis


Martin Regborn (Sweden) and Venla Harju (Finland) won the European Orienteering Championships (EOC) Long distance 2022 in Estonia. The courses offered exceptionally tricky orienteering where all runners struggled to find the controls and the best route choices, giving two of the outsiders the possibility to take the victories. The biggest ...

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EOC 2022: All You Need To Know


The first ever forest only* European Orienteering Championships (EOC) is organized in Rakvere, Estonia from Wednesday to Sunday this week. The championships starts with Middle Qualification on Wednesday and continues witht Long distance on Thursday, Middle Final on Saturday and Relay on Sunday. *Edit: The first forest only EOC in ...

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World Games Orienteering 2022: All You Need To Know


The World Games Orienteering (TWG) 2022 consists of three races – Sprint, Middle distance and Sprint Relay – organized on July 15th – July 17th 2022 in Birmingham, USA. All races will be broadcast live on webTV. Most of the world’s top orienteers are on the start line, although some ...

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JWOC 2022: Maps and Results Sprint Relay and Sprint


Norway won the Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) Sprint Relay ahead of Hungary and Czech Republic. The Individual Sprint was won by Elisa Mattila (Finland) and Axel Elmblad (Sweden). Due to the current situation in Portugal, the forest races are cancelled and were replaced by the first ever official JWOC ...

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JWOC Sprint Women: Big GPS Analysis


The women’s Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) 2022 Sprint offered some very interesting routechoices and a very tight finish – were the clear leader lost so much time towards the end that she was out of the battle for the medals. Read on to see how the women’s race was decided. The ...

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JWOC Sprint Men: Big GPS Analysis


The Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) 2022 Sprint offered some very interesting routechoices, good GPS-tracking which made it interesting to make performance analysis – and tight battles for the medals. Read on to see how the men’s race was decided. The race was won by Axel Elmblad (Sweden) ahead of ...

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