Route to Christmas: Day 22 2010


Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from the World Championships middle distance final in Trondheim, Norway. This course has got a lot of negative remarks in the orienteering community, but it still contains some interesting legs. One of these legs is leg number 7 in the mens class, which ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 21 2010


Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from the first competition in the Nordic Tour in Finland. The leg is not as long as the legs of the last days – it is rather chosen because this is the event I have found with the most GPS units applied [77(!) ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 20 2010


Today Route to Christmas takes another big step forward by introducing GPS analysis of today’s route – including a pace map and a calculation of the optimum route based on the GPS data. On top of that, the leg is also a nice one for you: A very long one ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 19 2010

Todays leg in Route to Christmas from a hilly Czech terrain – giving interesting opportunities for the course planner. The chosen leg is leg number 11 in the H21E course from the Gigasport Èeský pohár organized at May 15th 2010. Thanks a lot to Eva Jurenikova for sending in a ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 18 2010

As Saturday is usually a quiet day here at World of O, we bring two legs in Route to Christmas today. Both are from the same competition in Switzerland in March this year – the second National competition. And we have some big names on the startlist – Fabian Hertner, ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 17 2010

Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is the longest so far. Yet again we visit Switzerland – the Swiss are among the very best both at using Routegadget and at sending suggestions about legs for Route to Christmas. It seems like it is no coincidence that Switzerland is the world’s ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 16 2010


– I think that this leg is the best in any event I have run at in the past year. That was the first line in a very nice email which arrived in the mailbox yesterday evening. – It was at “Caw fell”, day 4 of the Lakes 5 Day ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 15 2010


Today we are back to Switzerland for some hilly terrain in the Swiss test races this spring. The chosen event for today is the 4th National Swiss event of the year organized on May 9th 2010. There are interesting legs in several of the courses – but the category H18 ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 14 2010

Todays leg in Route to Christmas is another long leg from Czech Republic. This actually looks like a training course, but it still has an interesting long leg for which many runners have drawn their route. The chosen leg is number 11 in a course which consists of some long ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 13 2010


This very long leg from the Hungarian Sprint Championships has deserved its spot in the 2010 edition of Route to Christmas due to the many different route choice options and the complexity in finding the best route. The leg was suggested by the controller for the event – Aron Less. ...

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