Prochazka: – It is a Czech Orienteering Paradise!


– After a long time we finally ran an important competition in sand stones again, reigning Relay World Champion Jan Prochazka from Czech Republic says when asked about the best course he has run on in 2012. – Sand stones are the best terrain you can find in the Czech ...

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NORT Chasing Start: Decision Time!


[Live from 12.40 CET] A double for Switzerland? Or can Lundanes and Gueorgiou chase down Kyburz and snatch the overall NORT victory AND the overall World Cup from the young Swiss runner? Or can Helena Jansson chase down Swiss superstar Simone Niggli on the last NORT stage in Vukatti, Finland? ...

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KnockOut by Klingenberg and Kyburz


First ever World Cup victory for junior Emma Klingenberg (Denmark) – Matthias Kyburz (Switzerland) increases his overall lead in the Nordic Orienteering Tour 2012. Simone Niggli lost a lot of time in the semi-final – and did not manage to qualify for the final. Update: You can see a replay ...

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NORT Stage 2: Maps and Results


The “King of Middle” is back – Thierry Gueorgiou (France) won the middle distance race in Holmenkollen ahead of  Peter Öberg (Sweden) and Matthias Kyburz.  Simone Niggli (Switzerland) is “impossible” these days – winning again – this time with another Swiss runner in second spot – Judith Wyder. Overall NORT ...

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NORT Stage 1: Maps and Results

Victory on Stage 1 and overall lead with 46 seconds in the overall Nordic Orienteering Tour for Olav Lundanes (Norway) – Simone Niggli (Switzerland) has a lead of more than a minute after her victory on the first Stage thanks to 120 bonus second and a good qualification race. Olav ...

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NORT Stage 1 Qual: Lundanes and Alexandersson


The Final goes live from 14:00 CET – most favourites made it within the Top 30 going to the final. Olav Lundanes (Norway) surprised by winning the men’s sprint – Tove Alexandersson (Sweden) won the women’s sprint after a quite large mistake at the last control. Notably Matthias Müller (Switzerland) ...

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– We need luck – and hard work!

IOF President Brian P

Brian Porteous talks about TV, spreading of orienteering, WOC and WC in the future and the Olympics. Some hot news: It is likely that WOC qualifications will be canceled already in WOC in Italy in 2014 – and that also the mixed relay will be introduced from then on. Read on for ...

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