World Games: Map and results

Minna Kauppi and Andrey Khramov took the victories in the World Games sprint today. Kauppi took a clear victory ahead of Hanny Allston and Elise Egseth – whereas Khramov had a hard fight with Daniel Hubmann, finishing off only 4 tenths of a second ahead of Hubmann. Tero Föhr took ...

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World Games Sprint: Live from 08:00 CET

Friday July 17th at 08:00 CET the Orienteering in World Games 2009 start. In addition to Live video streaming and GPS tracking, there will be a WorldofO Live Blog from the World Games. As there is both Live video streaming and TracTrac available, the LiveBlog will mainly be focused on ...

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Twitter Usage Finally Increasing in Orienteering

The last three months since opened a Twitter account, we’ve seen a significant increase in orienteering related content and users surfacing at Twitter. In April we included the last tweets from @Worldofo in the right margin of the frontpage, and since then we have seen several fresh Twitter ...

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Watch Hubmann, Khramov, Öberg, Dlabaja

… with live video streaming and GPS tracking. These are the four last starters in the World Games sprint to be held at the coming Friday July 17th in Kaohsiung, and the World Games websited promises both live video streaming and GPS tracking. The start lists are now available, and ...

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Taivainen, Sauter and Forseth Indgaard routechoice

… from JWOC middle – and also routechoice of the three best women are now available. Above you see the top three womens routechoice for two decisive controls. Maps with routechoice Click the maps below to see full maps with routechoice. Official results with split times are available here.

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JWOC Relay: Map

Now we can finally bring you the map from the JWOC Relay (see link below). I’d like to use this opportunity to thank the organizers for being very cooperative – thus for most of the competitions this week we were able to share maps with you just after the last ...

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Sweden at the Top of the Medal Ranking List

[Press Release – 10/07/09 – Mario Facchini – Newspower Press Office] – SWEDEN TAKES IT ALL AT THE JWOC 2009 – Golden Relay for Sweden and Switzerland – In Val Canali, in the men’s relay, Sweden rules the group – Among ladies, Switzerland grabs the gold, thanks to a lightening ...

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JWOC Relay: Live from 14:30 CET

The JWOC Relay today from 14:30 CET is the last JWOC competition. The LiveBlog below will give you all the updates you need during the very exciting and open relays. There are no obvious favourites – several countries can take the victory in both the mens and womens relays. Vote ...

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Fantasy JWOC: L-Team takes it home!

[Updated: Results are official] L-Team with manager Lukas took the overall victory in the Fantasy JWOC 2009 according to the preliminary results. Note that results will be checked and updated Saturday. Please report any errors in the comments. I’d also be very pleased to get some feedback on the Fantasy ...

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Taivainen Rules the Middle Distance of the JWOC

[Press Release – 10/07/09 – Mario Facchini – Newspower Press Office] – Alexandersson grabs the third swedish Gold. – In the middle distance of San Martino di Castrozza, forecasts fulfilled -The Nordic countries take it all, leaving only a silver for Switzerland -Gold for Taivainen (FIN) and Alexandersson (SWE) [All ...

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