Fantasy WC: Bushmen on top

The Bushmen Team with Kristoffer Fiane Pedersen as manager has taken the lead in the Fantasy World Cup after this years seconds World Cup race – the NOC Sprint in Salo, Finland. Anders Skarholt’s Scary-team dropped three places, and is now in fourth place – 13 points down on Bushmen. ...

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Time for Last Jukola Preparations

Jukola is only one day away – and it is time to make the last Jukola preparations. There are old maps of the area to be studied, map samples of the new map, and lots of Jukola trainings made by other runners which may be relevant. Below I’ve collected some ...

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DSQ of Weltzien reverted due to map error

A small drama involving Audun Weltzien after the NOC Sprint Finals yesterday: As everybody could see during the GPS-tracking (see screenshot above – full tracking here), Weltzien ran through a hedge marked with ‘Impassable vegetation’ between controls 6 and 7. Thus he was disqualified by the organizers. However, a protest ...

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NOC Sprint: Fastest route leg by leg

Todays NOC Sprint did not have a lot of route choice alternatives – the most important thing was to make a quick decision for each leg – and avoid small mistakes. For the longer legs, mostly the alternatives where similar in time. Below you see the route choice giving the ...

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NOC Sprint Live Replay

The NOC Sprint Live Blog can be replayed below. The GPS tracking worked surprisingly well for a sprint, and with GPS Tracking on all runners, the NOC Sprint was excellent entertainment for the viewers. We had around 1800 viewers watching part of the Live Blog today – why not join ...

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Hubmann and Kauppi favourites for NOC Sprint

The Fantasy World Cup Teams show that Daniel Hubmann (SUI) and Minna Kauppi (FIN) – the long distance Gold medalists – are the peoples favourites to get new Gold medals when the Nordic Championships are finished with the Sprint distance today. Start for the men is 15:05 CET and 16:55 ...

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Fantasy WC: Skarholt on top

Anders Skarholt took home the first round of the Fantasy World Cup with the Team ‘Scary’, performing better as a manager than in the forest (Note! Preliminary results). Standing WoO Fantasy World Cup 2009 Full results WoO Fantasy World Cup race 1 Note that the results are preliminary, as the ...

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NOC Live Coverage: Replay the excitement

40 GPS Tracking screenshots of decisive moments, 900 simultaneous viewers at the most, and 260 comments. That’s the short summary of todays Live Blog coverage of the NOC Middle distance here at World of O. Peter Öberg and Helena Jansson took home two gold medals for Sweden in the end ...

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Fantasy WC: Gueorgiou and Kauppi favourites

Around 2400 runners have been picked for the 195 Fantasy WC teams ahead of todays first World Cup race of the season – and not surprisingly on a Middle Distance in Finland, the people’s favorites are Thierry Gueorgiou and Minna Kauppi. The Teams for the first World Cup race are ...

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WoO Fantasy World Cup: Set up your Team

Set up your own Team of Elite Runners, and follow them through this years World Cup, starting the following Tuesday June 9th. The WoO Fantasy World Cup is a ‘for-fun’ manager-type competition where you can set up a World Cup Team consisting of 10 runners (either men, women or a ...

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