Route to Christmas: Day 5

One leg with potentially interesting route choice alternatives each day until Christmas is the topic of this years Advent Calendar here at World of O. Did you miss Day 1-4? No problem – so did I – so just enjoy the last 19 days instead. Today’s leg is the 9th ...

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Gueorgiou’s story – Part I

– One second mistake is still not good enough! This is what lies at the bottom of Thierry Gueorgiou’s orienteering philosophy – which he shared with the participants at the Norwegian O-Gala in the middle of November. Based on Gueorgiou’s two long presentations at the O-Gala, World of O presents ...

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Norwegian Orienteering Thriller: Blodføre

Have you ever read a Thriller about an orienteering race? Neither had I, until I read the book “Blodføre” by Eskil Åsmul – which was recently published on Forlaget Press. Actually, the word orienteering is not mentioned a single time in the book, but any orienteer will recognize the strange ...

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Routegadget-creator honored

Finnish Orienteering Gala: Creator of Routegadget – Jarkko Ryyppö – was last weekend given the prize “Orienteering person of the year” for his work on the orienteering route choice program Routegadget. It is very good to see that Ryyppö gets his well deserved honor for his inspiring work that has ...

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– We must learn to see the field in 3D

The English translation through Google of an interview with Thierry Gueorgiou in the French magazine Forez is absolutely worth a read. Focus is a bit different than in the “usual” interviews in orienteering magazines. For example, – “We must learn to see the field in 3D. It is not clear ...

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World of O Calendar: Add your races!

These days many orienteers are deciding where to go for orienteering holidays next year – and it is thus time for race organizers and other interested to add their events to the World of O Calendar. The World of O Calendar is the first place many go searching for this ...

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Orienteering video experiment: Automatic videoreport

The online orienteering TV channel woO-TV is developing a semi-automatic system for post-race video reports from orienteering events, aiming to make it possible to make low-cost interesting video/TV-productions from orienteering races with a minimum of manual work. The system is currently not aimed at live coverage, to keep costs and ...

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Who wins Blodslitet?

TIPP ÅRETS BLODSLIT: The organizers of the traditional Norwegian long-distance race Blodslitet have again set up their popular “Tipp årets Blodslit”, where you can choose your own team of 6 runners in the junior and senior categories. Maximum 1200 points What makes this extra interesting, is that you are not ...

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Routechoice with speed: NM Night

This weekend, I used the Norwegian Champs Night Orienteering to test some methods to analyze orienteering races better using a GPS unit. What I wanted was to get easy information about (1) how fast I am in certain terrain types, in minutes per kilometer to improve my route choices – ...

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Norwegian Champs Stats Updated

Just in time for todays Norwegian Champs Long Distance, statistics for Norwegian Champs have been updated with this years sprint and ultralong distance championships results. In addition, several older results have been included (thanks to Øyvind Helgerud for several result lists), and international results have been included based on the ...

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