Course of the Year 2019: Last chance to add suggestions!


[See all nominations here] Monday December 9th 2019 is the last chance to add suggestions to “Course of the Year 2019″. We already got more than 75 nominations in the comments to the intro article  – most of these are high quality courses which will be part of the voting in “Course of the Year 2019″. Based ...

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From Swedish mountain terrain to Czech sandstone: Gustav Bergman’s favourite courses and terrain of 2019


– There is something really nice about a very good long distance. You don’t get many of those in a year! Those are Gustav Bergman’s words about one of the best forest orienteering courses he ran in 2019 – one of the Swedish League races in the middle of April. Read ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 8 2019


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is the first one in the 2019-edition which comes from a sprint race. The chosen leg is from the Swedish League Sprint race in  Fisksätra. In an interview with Gustav Bergman for “Course of the Year 2019″ today, Bergman named this course the best sprint course he had been ...

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Interview Miika Kirmula about Course of the Year 2019


– In these kind of races, the TV-production doesn’t set any limits so it is easier to make the whole course really challenging, Finnish rising start Miika Kirmula says about his two favourite forest races of the year. Read on to get to know more about what kind of courses ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 7 2019


With the World Championships in Czech Republic coming up in 2021, elite orienteers are posting lots of interesting routechoice legs from the area. Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is leg 19 in the M21 course from a WOC 2021 Training Camp Long distance training at the Skalacek map. This ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 6 2019


– Awesome “untypical” Finnish terrains with a lot of bigger and smaller route choices even on really short legs, is the description Miika Kirmula gives this terrain in tomorrow’s interview for Course of the Year 2019. The interview will not be published until December 7th, though, but you can enjoy ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 5 2019


Today we have got a real highlight in Route to Christmas: A quite short leg, lots of routechoice options, excellent(!) opportunities to lose a lot of time – and on top of that the course is relevant for WOC 2021 for those aiming at success in Czech forests in two ...

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Interview: Lucas Basset shares lots of great orienteering courses from 2019!


– It was a true long distance challenge in a tough Norwegian terrain, with several long and medium-length legs, Lucas Basset explains when talking about his favourite course of the year. And no, it is not the World Championships Long distance, but another Long distance course in Norway without spectators ...

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