[Note! Extended to 13.00 CET due to server problems between 10.00 and 11.00.]In 4 hours this years poll in the Jukola video competition closes. Choose the best videos among videos from 10 different countries.
Deliver your vote!
Follow the links below to take a look at the videos, and deliver your vote. You may only vote once in each of the two categories (IP address and e-mail address is logged, and will not used for any other purpose).
The voting will close at Friday June 8th, 1200 CET. Note that if possible, you should base your vote on the full video quality (as seen full-screen when downloaded to the Veoh player), and not on the quality you see in your browser. If you still choose to vote based on what you see in the browser, please keep the video quality issue in mind.
Jukola video competition jury
The jury will have the last word in the Jukola video competition – based on the votes. The jury contains:
- Mr. Jan Skricka (editor, Orienteering Today),
- Mr. Teppo Ylitalo (PR manager, Virkiä Jukola),
- Mr. Jyrki Saarivaara (Manager, Vaajakosken Terä),
- Mr. Jussi Hietala (orienteer, Lapuan Virkiä),
- Ms. Marika Mikkola (orienteer, Venla relay winner, Kalevan Rasti),
- Mr. Markku Mäkäräinen (TV producer for the Virkiä Jukola, Kruuva Oy).
First deadline was extended (after some people had already submitted their video), then length of videos were extended in catchy category (against clear 10-90 sec rule) and finally voting was extended. Sounds really professional…