How do you orienteer and plan your routechoices in the terrain used for Aveyron 2008 in Southern France? France 6 Days of 2008 – staged from August 2nd until August 9th 2008 in the Larzac region of France – is one of the events featured in the article series “Top Multiday O-events 2008″ at World of O – giving you event presentations with a special twist! Read more about the “Top Multiday O-events 2008″ feature articles here – including information about how to submit your event. The content in this article is written mostly by the organizers, and World of O is not responsible for any inaccuracies – and the spelling errors.
The terrain – and how to master it!

The terrain can best be described as a Labyrinthique zone with reduced visibility! There are lots of rocks, relief and many vegetation elements, as you can see at this map extract to the right. To manage a good race, you very well have to manage your speed and raise your eyes as much as possible to observe the most characteristic objects!
Typical routechoice challenges
Take a look at this 400 meter long leg. The map is full of information – there is so much information that you really have to be careful with which part of the map information you use for your orienteering – reading all is close to impossible in high speed! To take the good route, you must know if you are ready to fight with elements, physically and mentally!
There are three main alternatives for this leg:
- Routes of the North : 560-655 m (25 m elevation). Fast running and post control attack safe, but long!
- Routes of the South : 560-675 m (35 m elevation). Fast running with a part convenient to the anticipation and post control attack safe, but again long!
- Direct routes : 470-480 m (30 m elevation). The shortest route, but you have to read the map carefully – especially in the final part !!!
Thus, the direct route is the winning choice and of the most risky at the same time!
Why choose Aveyron 2008?
I already know that I will have to face a lot of challenges there… [Thierry Gueorgiou]
The region of Larzac (in the South of France) is a paradise for your holidays of orienteering! This region is one of the most touristic regions of France. The terrains and the maps are exceptional!
– I definitively think that there are only very few terrains in the whole World who can match the difficulties of these ones. I already know that I will have to face a lot of challenges there and that it will be THE hit of 2008! I wouldn’t miss this competition for anything in the world, Thierry Gueorgiou says about the terrains.The organization waits for you for an unforgettable feast of orienteering! You are welcome in the Aveyron.
France 6 Days: A lot more than only orienteering!
A multitude of sites is to be visited ; historic sites (templars towns), natural sites (Montpellier le Vieux, Cirque de Navacelle, les Gorges du Tarn, Aven Armand and Dargilan, etc.), the Viaduc de Millau and the Mediterranean near from there.
This region, it is also the french epicentre of the activities of open air ; mountain bike, canoe, paragliding, caving …