Route to Christmas: Day 2 2013


Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from the Matera course which finished second in Course of th Year 2013. This 7th leg in the M21E course is one of the longest legs on the course. This particular course had a lot of challenging legs – the shorter ones being ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 1 2013

The first day of Route to Christmas 2013 takes us to Sweden – and the best long distance course from 2013 according to “Course of the Year 2013″. The race in question is the Swedish Championships long distance – organized at September 22nd 2013 – and we are looking at ...

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Lucky Voters: Check if you won!

As a big thank you for all voting and nominating courses, I have the possibility to share some fantastic sponsor prizes with you! Thanks a lot to both YOU out there and the sponsors – without you this would not be possible. Below in the sponsor section the winners for ...

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Course of the Year 2013: Monsanto evening sprint!


For the second year in a row the “Course of the Year” prize goes to Portugal O-Meeting. Rather than one of the main events at Portugal O-Meeting – the prize goes to one of the “side events” – an evening sprint in spectacular surroundings of the hilltop village Monsanto – ...

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Course of the Year 2013: Finland …

… has a central place in the Top 10 list in the 2013 edition of “Course of the Year” – with (at least) 4 courses in the Top 10. The winner in “Course of the Year 2013″ will be revealed as soon as the interview with the course setter is ...

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Course of the Year 2013: Last Chance to Vote!

Closing in on 800 votes – number 828, 880 and 980 will each get one of the prizes – vote now if you have not yet! Tuesday at midnight CET is your last chance to vote for Course of the Year 2013! Set up your personal Top 5 List and ...

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Vote for Course of the Year 2013 now!


Set up your personal Top 5 List from the nominated maps – and win prizes from our sponsors! The nominated maps have been chosen based on submissions from the readers and some of the worlds top orienteers through the last weeks. Now YOU can choose “The Course of the ...

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Lena Eliasson: – Cruising around the bushes


– I never even thought of running fast, just reading myself towards the next flag, cruising around the bushes, Lena Eliasson explains about her favourite course in 2013. Eliasson won the bronze medal at WOC long distance in Finland this year – but the Swedish top runner doesn’t even mention ...

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