Annika Billstam: Italy!


Annika Billstam traveled less this year in order to focus on training and local competitions. Still she has some very nice experiences on great courses and terrains outside Sweden. Read on for the complete interview with Annika Billstam about her favourite courses and terrains this year. Submit your suggestion to ...

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Yannick Michiels


– The goal for 2014 was to be more consistent in my Sprint Orienteering and I think I can say I’ve reached this goal. But next year I want to fight for medals during WOC, the Belgian Yannick Michiels says about his plans for the next season. Michiels has worked ...

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Aleksandr Kratov: – Get a title


– The goal for next year is to continue to progress, enjoy orienteering and get a title, Aleksandr Kratov explains in this interview about his favourite course and terrain in 2014. Kratov has impressed a lot this year – winning two World Cup races and taking the bronze medal in ...

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Søren Bobach: – The obvious choice would be WOC sprint


Søren Bobach surprised everybody – including himself – by winning the World Orienteering Championships sprint in Venice this year. Although this was his biggest success, there are other courses this year the Dane likes even better. Read on for the complete interview with Søren Bobach about his favourite courses and ...

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Thierry Gueorgiou takes us to Portugal!


– I have set 273 training courses from November 1st 2013 until October 31st 2014, Thierry Gueorgiou says when asked if he has set any courses in 2014. – Mostly for my own use and training mates, the French star explains. Read on to see one of Gueorgiou’s favourites among ...

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Svetlana Mironova chooses Italy!


Svetlana Mironova had a fantastic 2014 season. WOC gold and EOC silver on long distance and EOC relay gold with the Russian team makes Mironova one of the most successful female orienteers in 2014 – quite a surprise for both Mironova and the rest of the orienteering world. Read on for ...

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Judith Wyder: – I choose a sprint course


Swiss Judith Wyder has been one of the most successful orienteers in 2015 – winning three gold medals at both the World Orienteering Championships and the European Orienteering Championships. With sprint and relay being the most successful WOC and EOC disciplines of the new Swiss superstar, it is maybe no ...

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Ida Bobach: – I felt entertained the whole way


Danish star Ida Bobach has had a great season this year with two WOC silver medals and a World Cup victory. Her favorite course of the year was in Italy at the most important race of the year: The WOC middle distance. – The course was set so that the ...

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Baptiste Rollier chooses Spain as favourite


After running orienteering in 9 countries this year, Swiss star Baptiste Rollier chooses a course in Spain as his favourite course of the year. – Long at World Cup in Spain was good. Long legs with many possibilities, shorter legs with technical challenges, Rollier comments the World Cup race in ...

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Course of the Year 2014: Submit your suggestions!

WOC Middle 2014 Men

What was the best orienteering course of 2014? Two years in a row we have had a Portuguese winner – a spectacular sprint between boulders and old building last year and some great technical orienteering in 2012. In 2011 the WOC middle distance in France took the first place and the year before a ...

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