Route to Christmas: Day 3 2021


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2021 is from the Swedish League final on Gotland this october – a tough long distance race. The leg is long – more than 2.5 km long – and this is quite far into the race (70-75 minutes after the start). Thanks a lot to ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 2 2021


In today’s edition of Route to Christmas we travel to Australia to a leg featured at the second day of Australia 3 Days 2021 last easter. The competitors were challenged physically, technically, and mentally by some of the best granite terrain and – according to the organizers – one of Australia’s best granite ...

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Route To Christmas: Day 1 2021


Ready for some pre-Christmas fun? Today we start the traditional Route to Christmas here at World of O with an interesting route choice leg from the World Cup Final Middle distance in Italy this autumn.  Today’s leg is set in very intricate karst terrain – the ground being quite stony and ...

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World Cup Final Middle 2021: Maps and Results


Tove Alexandersson (Sweden) and Kasper Fosser (Norway) were yet again on top of the results lists at today’s Middle distance World Cup race in Italy which finished of the 2021 Orienteering World Cup. Both also took the overall World Cup victory thanks to today’s victory. In the men’s class Fosser dominated just ...

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World Cup Final Long 2021: Maps and Results

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Tove Alexandersson (Sweden) and Kasper Fosser (Norway) were yet again in another league than the other runners at the Long distance race of the World Cup final in Cansiglio, Italy today. Both had  a winning margin with more than 5:30 down to the second place – and both had Swiss ...

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Jukola 2021: All You Need To Know!


Finally a big orienteering relay again! Although this year’s Jukola organized in Lapland will not beat the 2019 record of 21.500 registered competitors due to the pandemic, Jukola will also this year be a gigantic relay with more than 12.000 registered competitors, divided onto 1200 teams in the men’s relay and 1000 ...

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World Cup Idre Relay: Maps, Results and GPSanimations


The tricky Idre mountain terrain gave another set of very exciting competitions when World Cup relays were decided today. The Swedish runners dominated the race, with victories in both the men’s and women’s class, and several teams battling for the victory throughout the relay in both the men’s and women’s ...

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World Cup Idre 2021 Long: Maps, Results & Analysis


Sweden’s Idre Fjäll delivered as promised: Tough, tricky and interesting long distance orienteering in a fantastic area for orienteering just below the tree line. The young couple Kasper Fosser (Norway) and Simona Aebersold (Switzerland) handled the tough conditions best – and both took their first individual World Cup victories.  In ...

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