Map + report: Lipica open 2008 – Season Opening

Following is a short report from Lipicia Open 2008 – the season opening for quite a few elite orienteers in Slovenia a week ago. Winners in the elite categories where Mikhail Mamleev in front of Thierry Gueorgiou in the mens class and Karine D’Harreville in the womens class. Thanks to ...

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Top 2008 events: O-ringen 2008

How do you orienteer and plan your routechoices in the terrain used for O-Ringen 2008 in Sweden? O-Ringen 2008 – staged from July 19th until July 25th 2008 close to the Norwegian border in the western part of Sweden – is one of the events featured in the article series ...

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MOC Overall: Gueorgiou and Riddervold – maps and pics

Thierry Gueorgiou did not manage to take home the last stage of this years Mediterranean Open Championships, but due to his excellent run in the technical challenging terrain yesterday, Gueorgiou nevertheless managed to secure the overall victory in men elite in front of team mate from the French National Team, ...

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MOC Day 2 – WRE: Victory for Gueorgiou

– There are not many such technical terrains in the world, Thierry Gueorgiou said after finishing his first World Ranking Event this year. After a, for him, slow start in the sprint yesterday, he was at his best today – beating his team mate in the French National Team, Francois ...

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MOC Champs: Map, results & pics

Thierry Gueorgiou had some trouble with a small injury in todays race – which marked the opening of this years MOC Championships – and did not manage to take home the victory. Instead his team mate, Froncois Gonon took the victory in Men Elite – 16 seconds in front of ...

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Top 2008 events: OO.cup 2008

How do you orienteer and plan your routechoices in the terrain used for OO.cup in Slovenia? OO.cup 2008 – staged from July 23rd until July 27th 2008 in the western part of Slovenia – is one of the events featured in the article series “Top Multiday O-events 2008″ at World ...

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Top 2008 events: 6 Days in France – Aveyron 2008

How do you orienteer and plan your routechoices in the terrain used for Aveyron 2008 in Southern France? France 6 Days of 2008 – staged from August 2nd until August 9th 2008 in the Larzac region of France – is one of the events featured in the article series “Top ...

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1st Kenyan Sprint Champs: Map & Results

The grounds of the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and a small area of forest belonging to the Kenyan Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) was the venue for the 2008 Kenyan Sprint Orienteering Championships (see map). This terrain, roughly 20km west of the capital Nairobi, was chosen for the race at ...

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Top 2008 events: Nordvestgaloppen 2008

How do you orienteer and plan your routechoices in the terrain used for Nordvestgaloppen 2008 in Western Norway? Nordvestgaloppen 2008 – staged from July 30th until August 3rd 2008 in Voss in Western Norway – is one of the events featured in the article series “Top Multiday O-events 2008″ at ...

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Wanted: Top Multiday o-events of 2008

What are the best multiday orienteering events of 2008? It is not always easy to find all the interesting orienteering events out there – and to choose between them when you singled out your main favorites. World of O Calendar, and lately the World of O Wall Calendar, has made ...

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