Route to Christmas: Day 13 2014


Today we move to the Baltics to a leg from the Baltic Championships with routes from several top stars. The chosen leg is leg number 5 in the M21E course – the race was organized at May 31st 2014. The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 12 2014


Today we have got a great leg from Slovenia in early spring – with several world class runners participating. The race is Lipicia Open, the terrain is both hilly and stony – and you have got several paths of various size to choose from. The leg in question is the ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 11 2014


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas takes us to the WOC 2016 area – we are only one kilometer away on the other side of the fjord. That is probably also part of the reason why we have so many top names on the startlist on a cold November day. ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 10 2014


Today we travel all the way to USA to a nice, long leg in the US Championships Ultralong which was organized less than a month ago close to Washington. The area for the first part of the course were we found today’s leg has never been used for orienteering before. ...

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Orienteering Achievement of 2014: Vote Now!


Read about the fantastic achievements of 14 athletes and 2 teams who are nominated for The Orienteering Achievement of 2014. Then post your votes for your favourites – and be part of the drawing for prizes worth more than 4000 Euros! The stories behind the medals and the achievements  is ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 9 2014


Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from the last leg of the World’s lagest orienteering relay – Jukola. The chosen control is the 17th control – a leg towards the end of the course where all teams are running in full daylight. The leg is as usually first provided ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 8 2014


In today’s edition of Route to Christmas the challenge we have got this year’s first sprint leg – a leg from the Women 21 course in Vårsprinten in Halden, Norway in April this year. The chosen leg is the 7th leg in a course prepared by former sprint World Champion ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 7 2014


Today we visit Switzerland for some tough alpine orienteering! The chosen leg is a very decisive long route choice leg from the M21E course in the last national race in Switzerland in the 2014 season – organized at October 19th 2014. Starring are Swiss world stars like Daniel Hubmann, Matthias ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 6 2014


Todays we travel to a “Paradise of Rocks” – to Fontainebleau close to Paris. The leg in question is taken from a long distance training from second training weekend of the winter for the French Team. The leg chosen for Route to Christmas is the 4th leg in the mens ...

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