Top O-Travel Picks: March 2010

March is another month in which typically athletes from Northern Europe travel to Southern Europe to be able to combine a training camp with a few orienteering races. However, in March you don’t have to travel that far south to get good conditions in a normal winter, and therefore we ...

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Separating runners in Orienteering: Part III


It is time to dig into the extensive report on separating runners in orienteering again. This time we take a look at the different separating methods discussed in the report – and their applicability to a long distance race with a high quality start field. We also take a look ...

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Top O-Travel Picks: February 2010

In the Top O-Travel Picks-series of articles we will take a look at the most interesting events of 2010 for travelers – month by month – to guide you through the fixture list. Focus is on multiday-events and World Ranking events, as these are events which typically attract traveling orienteers. ...

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Knock-out Sprint in the World Cup 2010


A new knock-out sprint format will be used at the Nordic Orienteering Tour (NORT) in June in Sweden – the second race in NORT and also the 5th World Cup race in 2010 – following the format used in Cross Country skiing closely. The qualification race in the morning for ...

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See the best 100 of 11.450 stories in 2009!


Thierry Gueorgiou found the password to access his webpage again – and now he is not only the “King of Middle”, but also the most popular at World of O. – Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, after one year of desperate attempts, I finally managed to remember my password to update this page, Gueorgiou ...

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Weekly Poll: Start-interval for WOC Long

What start interval would you prefer for the World Orienteering Championships Long distance? Fairness and Spectator-friendliness (and Media-friendliness) are the two main aspects here – and for now it may seem like Fairness is loosing the battle, and that we are going towards shorter start intervals rather than larger (ref. ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 24 2009

In the last Route to Christmas of 2009 we have found a leg with Simone Niggli starring in the mens course. The chosen leg is leg number 7 in the HAL course from a national Swiss competition – the “Emmentaler OL” – organized by OLG Skandia at October 25th. Thanks ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 23 2009

Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from Northern Norway – in a terrain which might have some relevancy for WOC in Trondheim in 2010. The chosen leg is leg number 6 in the Men 21 course from the regional championships in Ultralong distance (KM Ultralang) organized by Korgen IL ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 22 2009

Todays leg in Route to Christmas is from Czech Republic – and this time a leg from a sprint competition is chosen. The chosen leg is leg number 3 in the H21E course from the Hummel sprint cup organized at September 5th 2009. The leg is as usually first provided ...

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Extensive Report: Separating runners in Orienteering


In many events, even at championships level, the results have been heavily influenced by runners not running completely independently. Co-working, and to some extent following is a major problem in orienteering, and has been for a long time. Different types of separating methods have been tried to separate runners to ...

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