Poll: Who will win 10MILA 2010?


10MILA countdown: Four days left until one of the main highlights of the spring season for an orienteer: 10MILA. We will get back with a preview of the relay when getting closer to Saturday – for now use the poll below to tell who you think will be the winners ...

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WorldofO.com at Facebook


Why not become a fan of WorldofO.com at Facebook? You find the WorldofO.com Facebook page here. WorldofO.com has had a presence on Twitter for a long time – and the last months also on Buzz. Now the time is ready for a Facebook page as well. In addition to getting ...

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Live at 21:35 CET: Norwegian Champs Night-o

Vote for your favourites and see old map and background info already now – GPS tracking, LiveBlog, video stream follows from 21:35 CET this evening. The LiveBlog season at WorldofO.com has started again, and the Norwegian Champs Night Orienteering is a first test this season. GPS tracking starts at 21:35 ...

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Top O-Travel Picks: June 2010

Jukola, Trondheim Open, 6 Days of North and South Tyrol, the Norwegian O-Festival, Idre O-week (see map sample above) and Thermenland Open. These are some of the interesting events of June 2010. Read on to get an overview of the top O-Travel picks for June 2010 based on entries in ...

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France Training Camp Maps: Worth a look!


You seldom get the possibility to get this much insight into how the best teams set up their training camps – and especially not in as interesting terrain. The Czech and Swedish National Teams had a great training camp in France the last week (instead of participating at Spring Cup). ...

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Spring Cup Relay: Maps and Results

Daniel Hubmann started more than 5 3 minutes behind the leading team on the last leg – but proved that he is still the best last-leg runner in the orienteering world – taking home the victory in todays Spring Cup relay for Kristiansand OK. Hubmann is indeed a very important ...

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Spring Cup: Map and Results

Two times Switzerland in Spring Cup: Daniel Hubmann and Vroni König-Salmi won the classic distance in Spring Cup 2010 today. Below you get link to replay of the TracTrac tracking, maps and results. Hubmann had more than two minutes down to number two – Woijech Kowalski (Poland) starting two minutes ...

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Spring Cup 2010

This evening the traditional international season opening in Denmark – Spring Cup – starts with a night orienteering relay and night orienteering race. Although other events have taken over part of Spring Cups role as the place where all the best meet at the start of the season, there is ...

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Top O-Travel Picks: May 2010

It is time to plan some orienteering adventures for May! Ostsee Orienteering in Germany, Baltic Cup in Poland, Asian Orienteering Championships in Japan and Hungarian 24 hour orienteering relay are some of the choices you have. And of course there is the European Champs in Bulgaria in the end of ...

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MOC 2010 Day 2: Maps and Results


Surprise victory for JWOC-champion Matthias Kyburz in the mens class in MOC 2010 – Helena Jansson took the overall victory among the women. The big favorite in the mens class – Daniel Hubmann – did a five minute mistake which cost him all possibilities for an overall victory. The second ...

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