Latest orienteering videos at World of O

Videos are getting more and more used within the orienteering sport as part of invitations, race reports, race analysis or just for fun. The number of orienteering videos at YouTube and other online Video Hosting sites is growing every day – a YouTube search for “Orienteering” at YouTube now gives ...

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Poll 2006: Lucky winners

Thank to the sponsors who were Virkiä Jukola 2007 in Finland, Martin Kronlund Trophy in Spain, Orienteering Today, Lucie Navarová and her Jukola 2006 calendar and the Vavrys company, WorldofO and Orienteering Today were able to draw lucky winners among those who voted in the Poll 2006. Here is the ...

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Hanny Allston: Junior of 2006

Australian Hanny Allston was not surprisingly voted as a very clear number one in the “Junior of 2006″ category in the “Best of Orienteering 2006″ poll staged by the two major source for international orienteering news – the website World of O and the magazine Orienteering Today. With 727 votes, ...

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Simone Niggli-Luder: Achievement of 2006!

With the World Orienteering Championship gold medals in Long and Middle distances in Denmark in 2006, the Swiss runner Simone Niggli-Luder completed a collection of incredible 12 gold medals from World Championships in Orienteering between 2001 and 2006. This fantastic achievement was recognized as the “Orienteering achievement of the year ...

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Poll 2006: Number 2 is …

a runner who managed something very few thought would be possible: winning the WOC Sprint distance in Århus when still being a junior – and topping this with becoming the first non-European World Champion in orienteering! For this achievement, Hanny Allston got 409 votes in the “Orienteering Achievement of 2006″ ...

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Poll 2006: Websites win ads & subscription

Three prizes were announced to be drawn among the webpages linking to the “Best of Orienteering 2006 Poll” (with a triple weighting for heavily visited sites) to make the poll results as representative for the orienteering community as possible. The websites of the Norwegian Orienteering Federation, FIF Hillerød and Emiliano ...

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Poll 2006: Number 3 is …

Jani Lakanen – the WOC 2006 champion over the Long distance and Søren Bobach – the big Danish surprise in this years JWOC with his gold on the middle distance. Congratulations to both of them! Jani Lakanen was nominated in the “Achievement of the year 2006″ category for his gold ...

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Poll 2006: Number 4 is …

On spot number 4 in the “Orienteering Poll 2006″ we find two runners we will hear a lot of in the years to come. In the “Orienteering achievement 2006″ category, the overall World Cup winner Thierry Gueorgiou took the 4th spot – whereas Olav Lundanes took the 4th spot in ...

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Poll 2006: Number 5 is …

… none other than the Norwegian World Champion 2006 over the middle distance – Holger Hott Johansen – in the “Achievement of the year 2006″ category. In the junior category – Denmark’s surprise junior Signe Klinting took the 5th place. During the weekend number four and three in the poll ...

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Poll 2006: Number 6 is …

The winners in the “Orienteering achievement of the year 2006″ and the “Junior of the year 2006″ poll will be revealed in a countdown manner the next 6 days – starting with number 6 today. A big presentation of the winner of the two categories will be made in the ...

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