Reminder: World of O Mobile

For all of you going to Tiomila this weekend: At you can access “World of O” from your mobile phone, giving you the latest 6 news items at World of O. Each file is only about 6 Kb. To get only pages from Sweden (including news from the 10Mila ...

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Macr-o: A step forward for orienteering?

Macr-o orienteering is a further development of the micr-o concept, a concept originally developed mainly to market orienteering as a better TV sport. Macr-o is however something very different from micr-o. The motivation here is not mainly to promote orienteering as a TV sport, but rather macr-o is brought forward ...

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More Finnish and Danish NOC tests ++

Saturday there were Finnish NOC tests long distance (won by Petteri Muukkonen and Minna Kauppi), Elitserien in Sweden (won by David Andersson and Simone Niggli-Luder), as well as Danish NOC tests long distance (same venue as Elitserien in Sweden – won by Chris Terkelsen and Signe Søes). Parallel to Elitserien ...

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Tervo and Kauppi in Finnish testruns NOC

This weekend there are Finnish testruns for the Open Nordic Champs. In the sprint on Friday, victories went to Tuomas Tervo and Minna Kauppi. Read more: SuunnistusNet (Finnish) Kim Fagerudd (Swedish) Map + course sprint men, from Kim Fagerudd Results

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woO-TV Norge: Intervju med Olav Lundanes

På woO-TV Norge finner du nå et intervju med en av Norges aller beste juniorløpere for tiden – Olav Lundanes. Du kan enten se intervjuet i web-browseren din med relativt dårlig bildekvalitet eller i full-skjerm modus på datamaskinen din i god kvalitet ved å klikke på filmsnutten nedenfor og velge ...

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Get to know the Orienteering Elite!

Who is this Alexey Bortnik who did several very good runs in the Mediterranean Open Champs two weeks ago? I wondered about this when I read the results two weeks ago, and now I know more: A Russian fast running and talking upcoming man, aiming for the Top 10 in ...

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Jukola video competition to be hosted at woO-TV

Bergen, Norway / Lapua, Finland, March 28th 2007 (in Finnish below): WoO-TV and Virkiä Jukola have agreed to cooperate around the Jukola video competition previously announced by Virkiä Jukola. Instead of submitting videos by email as previously announced, the woO-TV/Veoh system will be used for submitting videos to the Jukola ...

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World of O launches woO-TV: Online TV for orienteering

Bergen, Norway, March 28th 2007: World of O, the major webpage for international orienteering news, today launches woO-TV: Online TV for orienteering content – available in near DVD quality. The main channel, woOTV Prime, will focus on top quality content about elite orienteering, and other productions with a broad audience. ...

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10Mila live on Norwegian TV

The new norwegian TV channel TV2 SPORT today announced that they will transmit 10Mila live. – 10 hours, 10 orienteers on every team, is the message from the big boss in the sport department of TV2 – Bjørn Taalesen. – When we get a separate TV channel for sport, there ...

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How do you want to punch?

There is an interesting discussion going on over at Attackpoint regarding the future of punching in orienteering. [As you might have noticed, you now get to see the latest messages in several of the most important orienteering forums here at World of O (just scroll down to the day before ...

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