Poll 2006: Valentin Novikov – Russia’s Priceless Anchor

Valentin Novikov is the most experienced Russian orienteer. At WOC Relay he took care of the last leg in the golden Russian team, with a style that earned him nomination into the “Achievement of the Year” category of the 2006 Poll. He was by far the fastest orienteer of the ...

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Poll 2006: 2400 votes – close race

With 13 days to go, 2400 votes have been given in the “Best of Orienteering 2006 Poll” staged by World of O and Orienteering Today. There is a close race for the top position in both the “Achievement of the year 2006″ category and in the “Junior 2006″ category. Interviews ...

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Poll 2006: Minna Kauppi – Finland’s Golden Element

In Denmark, at the World Championships, Minna Kauppi brought Finland home to a gold medal in the women’s Relay, something she had already done at the European Championships in Otepää in May. Both achievements which earned her nomination among the world’s best orienteers in the Achievement of the Year 2006 ...

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WoO Maps: Maps pouring in

The last weeks, maps from Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Israel (see map sample to the right), Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden have been added to World of O – in addition to addition of map samples from some other countries. Why don’t you use some of the quiet Christmas time ...

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Simone Niggli-Luder homepage updated

Off-season time is time for web-page updates. I just got a notice that Simone Niggli-Luders homepage has got a significant update. This also makes it possible to serve you better news from Simone at World of O, including the first part of her news stories (previously only title). Take a ...

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1600 votes from all over the world!

After three days, more than 1600 votes have been given in the “Best of Orienteering 2006 Poll” staged by World of O and Orienteering Today – of these about 40% in the junior category. Votes have been coming in from all over the world, and this surely must be one ...

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Poll: Kajsa Nilsson – Living the Dream

The 24-year-old Kajsa Nilsson has been nominated in the “Achievement of the Year 2006” poll as the comeback of the year. Orienteering Today to her about the 2006 season, in which she managed to storm back up into the absolute elite in women’s orienteering. Although you say Middle distance is ...

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Poll 2006: Hanny Allston – Young Legend from Australia

An Orienteering legend, that’s what Hanny Allston became last year, despite being mere 20 years of age. In the 2006 season this young lady from Hobart was living through a dream of a kind. She became the junior World Champion in Long distance and then, a couple of weeks after, ...

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New design for Orienteering.org

All news stories from the IOF webpage will now be included in World of O aided by improved possibilities with the restructured Orienteering.org site with new design. All information is structured in a different way now – so take a look. The design of the page is a lot fresher ...

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Poll: Best of Orienteering 2006

Today is the day when the two major sources for international orienteering news – the website World of O and the magazine Orienteering Today start the poll for the “Orienteering achievement of the year 2006″ and the “Junior of the year 2006″. Interviews to come In the Orienteering achievement of ...

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