Position WRE competitions: Your help needed!

Close to all WRE competitions in Foot-orienteering are now entered into WoO Calendar – but quite a few of them are not entered with position. With YOUR help, all of these events can be positioned! This will make it easier for people to consider which WRE competitions to attend to, ...

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Another step forward for Catching Features!

Today the impressive winner maps in the Catching Features Map contest have been announced – and it looks like this map contest has been another step forward in making the orienteering simulator (or game – choose the one most appropriate for you) Catching Features (CF) even more realistic. Using the ...

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Very close race – poll closing today!

Update: 27 votes is all that is between the two top ranked in the poll for the “Achievement of the year 2006″. This is really going to be a tight race in most prestigious category in the “Best of Orienteering 2006″ poll staged by World of O and Orienteering Today. ...

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Poll 2006: Thierry Gueorgiou – 3 Out of 3 at the WC Final

At the World Cup final which was held in volcanic forests around Clermont-Ferrand in France, the home runner Thierry Gueorgiou won almost all he could. He reached three times for gold and there was noone in the field who could beat him in any of the individual races. This brought ...

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WoO Maps: Norway and Israel coming up!

Close to a few thousand(!) more Norwegian maps have been entered in the Norwegian map register during the last month or so, and are now also available through WoO Maps. Now there are nearly 4000 Norwegian maps registered – soon passing Czech Republic in terms of the number of registered ...

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Best stories of 2006 – part II

Now for the list of the 25 most read stories (of the total 6614 stories) at World of O in 2006 – regardless of site. 1. Live TV with 14 cameras & micro – 2006-11-20The plans for the TV coverage for the World Cup race in Hovden during O-festivalen 2007 ...

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Poll 2006: Simone Niggli – 12 Times on Top

Simone Niggli is no doubt the best sportsmen orienteering has ever had. At World Championships in Denmark this 28-year-old Swiss won her 11th and 12th WOC gold medals, something no other orienteer has ever done or even got close to. Deservingly this achievement earned her nomination in the “Achievement of ...

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Best stories of 2006!

Below you find the most read stories for each of the sites included in World of O in 2006. Enjoy! Note that there are some problems with character sets – and some small problems with some sites (for example Daniel Hubmann is included twice – once with the wrong name ...

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Poll 2006: Emil Wingstedt – ‘Fem Kronor’ Sprint Gadget

Emil Wingstedt is at the moment Swedish best orienteer and thank to him the country won its only gold medal at the World Championships. For Wingstedt himself, this gold was 5th in the discipline from major Championships, which is something rarely seen in men’s orienteering these days. (Something only the ...

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The best World of O-sites in 2006

Thierry Gueorgiou’s stories where the most popular in 2006, whereas OPN.no published most stories, and was also the most clicked site from World of O in 2006. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to making World of O the major international orienteering news site since the relaunch ...

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