To JWOC with Catching Features [video]

There is a very interesting project going on among some junior orienteers preparing for the Junior World Orienteering Champs in Australia next summer. Basically, they plan to Redraw some of the relevant maps for JWOC available on the official JWOC site in OCAD Convert them to Catching Features format using ...

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Map from WMOC in Brasil

… here is one of the training maps from the WMOC in Brasil while waiting for the maps from yesterdays middle distance and todays long distance. [From I-OL forum – training map of Clemens Roos]. See also the middle warm-up course from Martin Pongratz page – We analyzed the races ...

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New features in WoO Calendar

Wikipedia integration, maps from competitions and results browsing are some of the new features that have been added in the WoO Calendar. Also thanks to all of you who have added competitions – more than 50 competitions have been added the last few days – more than 20 of them ...

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Hello South Africa

There has not been much news about South Africa here at World of O. However, after the launch of the WoO Calendar last week, a few South African events have been added to the calendar, and this is definitely worth a news story. I also got a nice e-mail from ...

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Introducing: World of O Calendar

News Release: Just in time for the planning of your next summer holiday, World of O launches the World of O Calendar – an international orienteering event calendar giving you something extra. In addition to all standard event calendar features, location based searches are possible by clicking on a map ...

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Technical orienteering and fantastic nature

That was what I was looking for this summer when I had a few weeks of extra vacation due to a job change. Read on to see maps and pictures from where I decided to go after a long search on the Internet. It gave me 20 top orienteering races ...

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WorldofO GEO: Ready for beta-testing

With WorldofO GEO you can find out if there are any orienteering maps close to where you are, just by clicking on a map. This is what I have wanted since I started using the Internet more than 10 years ago – and now I am finally seeing it getting ...

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Search more than 800 O-pages

In the right column of World of O it is now possible to perform a search through more than 800 different orienteering pages – including all sites included in ‘World of O’, national o-federation pages, club pages in several countries, etc. If you notice that your club page is not ...

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Do not miss the good stories!

A new feature is now introduced at World of O: It is now possible to tell your opinion about a story by giving the story a rating between 1 and 5. Rating a story is extremely fast and easy – it will not take you more than a second or ...

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Book full of Orienteering

I don’t know how many countries are so lucky that they have a yearly book with nearly 200 colorful pages about orienteering? In Norway we have “O-Boka”, the 2006 edition being available from the coming saturday at Blodslitet. I have been so lucky to be able to look through a ...

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