10Mila Tips 2012: The winner is …


More than 230 people set up their tips in the 10Mila Tips 2012.  According to the preliminary unofficial results, Alexander Lubina won the 10Mila 2012 Tips with 784 points – 23 points ahead of Johan Runesson. Congratulations to the winners! The key to Lubina’s (unofficial as of now) victory was ...

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10Mila GPS Tracking ready for analysis!


10 legs for the men and 5 legs for the men – all with GPS tracking on around 25-30 teams – means a lot of interesting material for analysis. Everything is ready for analysis both in GPSSeuranta and in 2DRerun (see below) now. You may even upload your own GPS-routes ...

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10Mila 2012: Victory for Halden

Olav Lundanes decided 10Mila for Halden with an impressive performance at the last leg early this morning. Lundanes started the last leg 15 seconds behind Hans Gunnar Omdal, Kristiansand – but the World Champion on long distance from Trondheim in 2012 was simply stronger today, pulling away second by second. ...

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10Mila Videos: Get in the MOOD for the NIGHT!

Here is a selection of 10Mila videos to get you in the right mood ahead of 10Mila. Relive the Slowmotion video from 10Mila 2008, the tracking highlights from 10Mila 2007, the 10Mila Petzl video from 2008 or some of the other great 10Mila content available on the Internet. Enjoy! Do ...

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10Mila 2012: All you need to know!


10MILA countdown: Two days left until one of the main highlights of the spring season for an orienteer: 10MILA. World of O will of course follow 10Mila all night on the LiveBlog – I hope to see many of you there! As always in 10Mila, the women run 5 legs ...

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10Mila 2012 Tip: Tip Top Six!

One of the big highlights of the spring season is coming up on Saturday: The 10Mila relay in Sweden! Who will be the top teams in 10Mila 2012? Submit your tip for the results in 10Mila 2012 below! Requested are tips for the Top Six men and women teams! Can ...

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Gueorgiou, Niggli & Kauppi showing their class


The European Championships is only two weeks away, and some of the big stars have started to show their class in big national races this weekend. Thierry Gueorgiou (France) took two Silva League victories this weekend, Minna Kauppi (Finland) took a 4 minute victory in Finnspring Saturday and Simone Niggli ...

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WOC in the Future: Not quite dead anyway?

While the IOF killed the WOC in the Future project in January, the Nordic Orienteering Federations believe that the WOC in the future project should be thoroughly evaluated and brought to a conclusion at the General Assembly in 2012. Consequently the Nordic Orienteering federations submitted a new proposal for a ...

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POM Day 3: Routes of Top 5 Men & Women

Thierry Gueorigou - POM 2012 Day 3

See how Thierry Gueorgiou, Daniel Hubmann, Olav Lundanes and the other top runners solved the challenges in today’s World Ranking event in Portugal O-meeting. The race was a middle distance race in interesting terrain providing a lot of micro route choices. – The best terrain I found in Portugal, Thierry ...

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POM Day 3 WRE: Map and Results


[Updated with full map] Thierry Gueorgiou did it again: Crushing the competition in Portugal O-meeting – running an incredible sub 34-minute time on the 6.4 km course. Daniel Hubmann was closest – nearly 1:30 behind. In the women’s class Lina Strand took the victory – after Simone Niggli lost the ...

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