Route to Christmas: Day 12 2020


Today’s edition of Route to Christmas travels to Spain and the middle distance race of Maximum O-Meeting which was organized west of Madrid this February.  The chosen leg is the 7th leg, which was common for the men’s and women’s elite course. The men’s class is chosen for analysis as ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 11 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2020 is the first leg from the final of the legendary night orienteering cup “Harry Lagerts Nattcup” in Oslo – a race which has been featured several times earlier in Route to Christmas. Thanks a lot to Søren Jonsson for the tip, and for course setter ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 10 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas takes us to some interesting Swiss Jura terrain. The chosen leg is from the International Youth Orienteering Meeting Long distance organized in the end of October. There was also an elite class in the competition, and routes are from a combination of the M20 ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 9 2020


Today’s Route to Christmas takes another trip to Finland and the Finnish Championships long distance. This time we look at the 5th leg – also a tip by Anssi Vesanto. In preparation for this leg it could be a good idea to visit day 6 to look at how the routechoice ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 8 2020


Today’s Route to Christmas features a long leg in the elite women’s class. As on day 4 we travel to Sweden and the Swedish Championships long distance, but whereas the featured men’s leg was a simple “straight or around on the road” leg, this one is more complex where it ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 7 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2020 is a very long leg from Bulgaria – what a start for the Bulgarian Championships Long distance! Thanks a lot to Todor Kolev for the tip! The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 6 2020


In today’s edition of  Route to Christmas  we travel to flat – but yet interesting – terrain in Finland. The chosen competition is the Finnish Championships, and the chosen leg is the long leg to control 8 in the men’s class. Thanks a lot to Anssi Vesanto for the tip! ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 5 2020


In today’s Route to Christmas we travel to one of the most interesting orienteering countries, Switzerland.  The chosen leg  from the Swiss Champs Long distance, and the tip again comes from Jonas Wäfler. The forest is typically “Mittelwald” with many paths/roads, and variable runnability in the forest (white being fast, though). The leg ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 4 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2020 is a long and interesting leg from the Swedish Championships Long distance. Thanks a lot to Jonas Wäfler for the tip! The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how you would ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 3 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2020 is an interesting long leg from Hungary. The chosen race is the Hungarian Champs Long distance, and this time we look at the women’s course. Thanks a lot to Zsófia Sárközy and Tibor Vári – both suggesting this very interesting course. Course setter is elite ...

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