Route to Christmas: Day 2 2020


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas 2020 is from interesting sandstone terrain in the Czech Republic. This time we study the Czech Championships Middle distance – with several international stars on the startline – based on a tip by Ladislav Semrad.  The leg is quite short – but gives you the ...

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Route To Christmas: Day 1 2020


Ready for some pre-Christmas fun? Today we start the traditional Route to Christmas here at World of O with an interesting route choice leg from the Norwegian Championships Long distance, organized close to Trondheim. The international orienteering season 2020 has been nearly non-existent due to Covid-19, and we also already used 100 ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 100 (Final day)


With the orienteering season slowly starting up everywhere these days, it is finally time to conclude the Route to O-Season 2020 series after 100(!) days. Today’s leg is a special one with some history and culture in it. Early in “Route to O-Season” Finnish mapmaker Jussi Silvennoinen, a mapmaker for several Jukola ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 99


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is another sample from the Norwegian Mapant-project. This time we travel all the way to the southern edge of Norway, to Lindesnes.  Note! There may be “real” orienteering maps in this area, but I could not find any recent ones. The leg is as ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 98


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is a small celebration of the Norwegian “Mapant-project” – an orienteering map covering large parts of Norway following in the footsteps of for Finland. The first version of, covering around 50% percent of Norway,  is set to be published before summer. Read more ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 97


In today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 we continue with our Jukola focus, but this time the leg is from an unofficial “replacement relay” for Jukola, the Impivaaran Viesti. Thanks to Caj Snickars for the tip! Here is Snickars’ description of the relay: The relay concept was interesting as it ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 96


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is the first leg from Jukola back in 2016. When you solve this leg, try to also write down a comment on which 1st control you choose (left, right or middle) The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 95


Today’s leg in Route to O-Season 2020 is from Course of the Year 2010 – the Jukola relay of 2010 which was organized in real wilderness. We have chosen the final leg of the relay – and the route to the second last control. Note that some other legs from ...

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Route To O-Season 2020: Day 94


In today’s Route to O-Season 2020 we travel back to the long night leg on Jukola 2014. The chosen control is the 17th control in the dark forest… The leg is as usually first provided without routes – you may take a look at it and think about how you ...

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