Route to Christmas: Day 21 2015


Today the Swiss elite orienteer Baptiste Rollier has been invited to take us to a leg he found memorable in 2015. This takes us back to where we started in this year’s Route to Christmas – to Czech Republic and the Czech Championships Long distance. This time leg 6 in the M21E course ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 20 2015


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is Edgars Bertuks’ pick of a routechoice leg which he remembers particularly well from 2015. Bertuks is one of the top runners who was challenged to pick a leg for Route to Christmas in this year’s edition of Route to Christmas. The chosen leg is ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 19 2015


Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is from the Women Elite course in the Swiss selection long distance race for the second World Cup round – organized May 14th 2015. The chosen leg is the 9th leg. To match the WOC -81 winners’ speed per km, the selection race winners should ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 18 2015


One of the absolute highlights in this year’s edition: CISM Long in Korea with a complex leg with many route choice options. Today’s leg in Route to Christmas is leg 2 in the Long course from CISM Long 2015 at October 8th 2015. About 1000 meters of climbing!!! 8.9 km straight ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 17 2015


For day 17 we travel to a really cool terrain in Ukraine. This course is actually from a training three days ago (December 14th) by a group around Oleksandr Kratov (Cherkassi Training Camp).   Marshes are different from Scandinavian marshes – most often completely covered by high reed – so when ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 16 2015


For today’s leg in Route to Christmas we travel to a very interesting sandstone area in Czech Republic. The chosen leg is leg 10 in the M21 course from Prague Easter organized at April 4th 2015. Thanks to Dag Lofthus for the tip. The terrain was very nice. A bit ...

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Orienteering Achievement of 2015: Vote Now!


Read about the fantastic achievements of 16 athletes who are nominated for The Orienteering Achievement of 2015. Then post your votes for your favourites – and be part of the drawing for prizes worth  5000 Euros! Vote here by December 21st: The Orienteering Achievement of 2015 – Men The Orienteering ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 15 2015


Learning how to take optimal routechoices in Estonian terrain is in the back of the mind of many elite runners with the World Championships coming up in Estonia in 2017. Today’s leg in Route to Christmas addresses that – the chosen leg is the 6th leg in the M21E course ...

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Route to Christmas: Day 14 2015


Day 14 in Route to Christmas takes us to Denmark – and a long leg with many route choice options. The chosen leg is leg 25 in the M21E course from the Danish Championships Long organized at September 13th 2015.  Denmark is country number 14 in this year’s Route to ...

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