Swedish League & EOC observation races: Maps & Results


Gustav Bergman, Sarah Hagström, Tove Alexandersson, Albin Ridefelt and Emma Johansson took the victories in the Swedish EOC observation races over middle, sprint and long distance between Friday and Sunday. This weekend’s sprint and long distance races were also the first two Swedish League races of the season.   Maps ...

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World Orienteering Championships 2019 goes to Østfold, Norway


Norway will organize the World Orienteering Championships 2019. This will be the first forest only World Championships in the “Split WOC” model with three disciplines; middle distance, long distance and forest relay. The races will be organized in southeastern Norway in the Østfold-region – not far from Strömstad where this year’s ...

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First real test ahead of WOC 2016 in Strömstad: Maps & Results


Many of the best orienteers in the world were present in Strömstad for the first real test in relevant terrain ahead of the World Championships this August. Norway won the men’s middle and long distance with Olav Lundanes and Eskil Kinneberg, respectively. Sweden’s Helena Jansson won both races for the women. ...

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Thanks for showing the way, Emma Klingenberg!

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Emma Klingenberg – winner of two Gold medals in relay with Denmark at the World Championships in Scotland last year – has decided to stop her elite career as of now. Many will remember Klingenberg’s fantastic first leg at the Sprint Relay at the World Championships in Scotland last year ...

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WRE races Portugal & Spain: Maps and Results

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Thierry Gueorgiou and Tove Alexandersson won the World Ranking event middle distance in Portugal at Norte Alentejano O’ Meeting 2016 last Saturday. The same day a long distance World Ranking event was organized in Spain: Lorca O-Meeting with Andreu Blanes Reig and Svetlana Mironova as winners. The Portugal race offered the ...

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POM Day 4: Maps and Results

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Overall victories in POM 2016 went to Thierry Gueorgiou and Annika Billstam. Gueorgiou has dominated POM with victory every day – finally winning with a 16 minute margin ahead of Albin Ridefelt. Billstam has run four stable races with one win – winning the overall with 4 minute margin down to ...

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POM Day 3 WRE: 4 Minute wins for Gueorgiou & Jansson


[9/2: Updated with split analysis & maps!] Big 4 minute wins with excellent competition in a tough long distance in Portugal shows that Thierry Gueorgiou (France) and Helena Jansson (Sweden) are well prepared for the 2016 season. Down to 6th place the gap was 8 and 13(!) minutes, respectively. In ...

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POM 2016 Day 2: Maps and Results


Thierry Gueorgiou took also the victory in Men Superelite at the second day of Portugal O-Meeting 2016 – while Annika Billstam took the victory in the women’s class. But Day 1 and 2 are only warm-up for the long distance WRE race on day 3. Gueorgiou and Billstam are among ...

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POM 2016 Day 1: Maps and Results


Thierry Gueorgiou (France) and Marika Teini (Finland) won the first day of Portugal O-Meeting 2016 ahead of the Swedes Gustav Bergman and Helena Jansson, respectively.  The first day of POM 2016 was a middle distance held in open terrain with many big boulders. Note that the most important day of POM ...

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