Home / Orienteering News / Vote for The Course of the Year 2010 now!

Vote for The Course of the Year 2010 now!

Set up your personal Top 5 List from the 60 nominated maps- and win prizes from our sponsors! The 60 nominated maps have been chosen based on submissions from the WorldofO.com readers and some of the worlds top orienteers through the last two weeks. Now YOU can choose “The Course of the Year 2010″ through your vote!

Voting is done by setting up your “Top 5 List” based on the 60 nominated maps. Based on all the submitted “Top 5 Lists”, the best course in 2010 is found using a simple forumla: For each 1st spot in a “Top 5 List”, a course gets 100 points, 70 points for each 2nd spot, 50 points for each 3rd spot, 30 points for each 4th spot and 10 points for each 5th spot.

Voting is open from Monday November 15th until Monday November 22nd. When voting you will notice that it is not easy to set up a “Top 5 List”, as none of the courses are perfect. Still – do your best, and help the courses and course-setters you think deserve it towards the top!

Note! There may be issues in some browsers with the voting process, but the voting should work well in most newer browsers (but not on mobile phones). Sorry to those of you with old browsers, but the drag-and-drop makes it so much easier for people to set up their list.


The following are the rules for the voting in “The course of the Year 2010″:

  1. The ‘Course of the Year 2010′ will be found based on summing all the votes. For each course being set on the top of a ‘Top 5 List’, 100 points are awarded to this course. For each course being set as number 2, 70 points are awarded, and so on with 50, 30 and 10 points for the next spots on the list down to number 5.
  2. You are only allowed to vote once (if several people share one internet connection, only one can vote, as the IP address is used to identify the voter along with the email-address of the voter).
  3. Among all people voting and submitting suggestions, a minimum of 10 prizes from our sponsors will be drawn. See below for the prizes.
Prizes from our Sponsors

Prizes from our Sponsors always makes it more fun! There will be a prize for the course setter in “The course of the Year 2010″, a price for the first one suggesting the course which ends up becoming “The course of the Year 2010″, and finally prizes drawn among all suggesting and voting.

Sponsors for “The course of the Year 2010″:

  • trimtexTrimtex sponsors “The course of the year 2010″ with 10 prizes. More information about the prizes to come. Trimtex Sport make technical team wear for athletes in clubs and companies. Trimtex’s products are world-leading within function, design and quality, whether it’s for cycling, running, skiing or orienteering.
  • sun-o.com sponsors “The course of the year 2010″ with a voucher for a 2011 Sun-O Camp, value of 150 Euro. Sun-o offers orienteering travel-packages in Spain and Portugal, combining high quality terrains and varied O-maps, in regions with rich culture and sunny climate – organizing your O-holidays from from start to finish.
  • For the record: All sponsor gifts/income related to “The Best Course of 2010″ goes directly to the WorldofO.com readers.

About Jan Kocbach

Jan Kocbach is the founder of WorldofO.com - taking care of everything from site development to writing articles, photography and analysis.

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