January Classics: Day 23


Today’s edition of January Classics is a tip sent in by Martin Hoset: The district championships long distance of middle Norway (Midt Norsk) 2009. – This is maybe not a classic, but it is a nice long distance race from 2009, Hoset writes. – This race is maybe the most ...

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January Classics: Day 22


– The classic championships course at the Nordic Championships at Åland in 1986 was a real classic, Jakob Ø writes in an e-mail. – As I recall the terrain, it was like a fairy tale in some areas and very tricky to read the terrain/contours in other parts, Jakob continues. ...

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January Classics: Day 21


Today’s ‘January Classics’ is a good old long distance race from 1976 – the race 2mila organized in Samnanger close to Bergen, Norway. The winner in this race was Jan Fjærestad – one of the good, old Norwegian long distance orienteers in the 70’ies. The course was 20 km long ...

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January Classics: Day 19


Today’s edition of “January Classics” as a tip from Daniel Hubmann: The World Cup race in Dresden in 2004. The map for this race was special in that there was an “inset” with larger scale for the most tricky area. This was a very varied course – some parts were ...

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January Classics: Day 18

Today’s January Classic is JWOC Long distance 2009 in Italy. – Technically and physically very demanding – altitude about 2000 m, the tipster “fedebach” writes. In the men’s class, Gustav Bergman took the victory with a fantastic race. 1:05:55 was 6 minutes below the stipulated winning time. You can read ...

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January Classics: Day 17

Today we bring a real old time classic for January Classics: Finnich Championships classic distance 1974 (thanks to Tapani Partanen for map and additional info). The map is taken from the book Suuri Suunnistusteos 1 (Rauno Liimatainen). Click the map for full size – The winner in H21 was Hannu ...

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January Classics: Day 16


Today’s edition of January Classics is a ultralong race from 2006: The Norwegian Championships ultralong 2006. This is a different kind of “Classic” than the good old WOC races from the 80ies and 90ies – but still a nice course which has many of the qualities of the good, old ...

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January Classics: Day 15


Today’s edition of January Classics takes us to Ukraine and WOC 2007. A hot day in fast terrain with a long route choice leg (see above). This is not one of the real classic classics – but still an interesting race. A new forking method was tested – giving some ...

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January Classics: Day 14


Les Alpettes, Switzerland, 1981. The classic WOC race in 1981 was one of those classic long distance races. Varied terrain and course – from the long legs in the steep hills in the start of the course to the shorter legs in the flat parts towards the end. Map and ...

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January Classics: Day 13


Today’s edition of “January Classics” is from the relay formerly known as “Krokskogstafetten” which now has changed name to Night Hawk. The year is 1979 – and the course we bring is the 8th leg. We have got some nice, long legs here! Map and course in omaps.worldofo.com NightHawk 2014 ...

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