POM 2013 Day 1: Maps and Results


Thierry Gueorgiou and Simone Niggli handled the tricky high-speed orienteering at the first stage of Portugal O-Meeting 2013 best. The open and fast terrain with rocks of varying size and small green areas spread out, made it important to be in control all the way. The two big names in ...

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Portugal O-Meeting 2013: Preview


Portugal O-meeting (POM) has been the international season opening the last years – with most of the world elite on the startlist. With the World Cup opening in New Zealand this year, the start field is a little bit weaker than normal ; still 5 of the 10 highest ranked ...

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NAOM 2013: Maps and Results


Portugal is THE place to run in February – with Portugal O-Meeting next weekend being the biggest race . Many top runners are already present in Portugal – the start field at last weekend’s NAOM 2013 had very high quality. Two middle distance races were offered – the second one ...

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WC Sprint New Zealand: The Analysis!

Learn what the route setter thinks about the different legs in “One of the most tricky sprints I have ever run” – as several runners put it after the race. – What makes Government House a very interesting area for sprint racing is a combination of the hilliness and the ...

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World Cup Chase: Maps and Results


Double for Sweden: Victories for Tove Alexandersson and Jerker Lysell in today’s World Cup chasing start in New Zealand. Alexandersson did it all herself – running alone in the lead from start to finish. Lysell had a different race setup – running with Olav Lundanes for most of the race ...

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Results WC Chase Prologue – New Zealand

Tove Alexandersson and Peter Öberg won the Prologue of the World Cup in New Zealand today according to unofficial results. – each will get an extra 30 bonus seconds ahead of the chasing start later today compared to number 2. The 12 first runners in the prologue will get bonus ...

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Alexandersson and Kyburz at WC sprint in New Zealand


[Updated with Maps and WebRoute!] Victories for Tove Alexandersson (Sweden) and Matthias Kyburz (Switzerland) in today’s very long World Cup sprint in Wellington, New Zealand. Winning times were 17:52 for Kyburz and 19:32 for Tove Alexandersson. The map sample above shows the last part of the men’s course – this ...

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WC 2 Sprint: Final tonight – Qual Map and Results


Tonight at 22:00 CET the final in the second World Cup race of the season is held in the Capital City of New Zealand, Wellington. The qualification was held on an interesting and technical terrain yesterday. – It was an interesting course, with some narrow streets (not as narrow as ...

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World Cup New Zealand: Maps and Results


Fabian Hertner and Helena Jansson won the first World Cup race of the season in very detailed and sandy terrain in New Zealand. Very intricate contour details made map reading and orienteering challenging. I am probably the one who did the least amount of mistakes, and that was rewarding It ...

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